
Unless you're a super huge animation buff, chances are you won't know the name of the charecter designer for a specific show.

Man that's really weird, they kind of weridly aged up all the kids to adults when they took some styles, like those artists had never drawn kids?

Then learn, Drawing isn't an innate skill or something you're born with, it's like maths or a language or an instrument, you put in a LOT of time to studying, practicing studying more, practicing more and you little by little by very little get better until you get to a point where your art doesn't embarrass you

Fuckin shady Kiwi's, always gotta keep an eye on em.

Oh fuck… man Murderaxe I can't even lie, that dude seems like a better fit. I am prepared to literally deliver you his heart though.

I'm sure the semantic differences of what started the war will be debated long into the irradiated night as we slowly fight off the rabid radioactive cat monsters in the post apocalypse that we are all doomed to live in after Trump ends the world.

He has literally said the solution to the oil crisis is to invade Iraq and Saudi Arabia and take their oil fields.

So Murderaxe, are you looking for any kind of smarmy dudes with a good knowledge of marvel comics to work in your gang of (Presumably) cannibal psychos? I can provide some references.

Hillary want's a no fly zone in Syria
Trump wants to invade Syria with 30 000 troops, invade the middle east and seize oil feilds, re-arm the worlds nuclear capablitily, shoot down russian jets, refuses to rule out using nukes against europe etc.

One of the consequences of being a super power is your decisions effect more then just you. If Trump nukes the middle east, then the entire world gets involved, not just you.

As an Australian, one of your president hopefulls wants to nuke the middle east and start world war 3. This doesn't just involve you guys anymore. It's fucking terrifying watching these chucklefucks seriously considering not voting against basically Hitler 2.0 because Hillary has issues. Like it's actually insane.

"Bernie supporters will rather vote Trump than Hilary," No that's what people assume and that's the problem cause it means that Bernie suporters are fucking morons.

If Trump wasn't so scary for like, the rest of the entire world, then I'd say if the dems are gonna be such petulant mother fuckers you kinda deserve trump. But then I look at that shit about Trump wanting to nuke fucking everyone and am genuienly fucking terrified.

I don't think any of them have big enough expectations to even classify as bombs if they fail….

It's really… not good…. I wouldn't.

"Drag racing down a mountain for revenge' is a dumb plot "
That was kind of the entire point of the episode though. They started to do drag racing down a mountain for revenge, then realised it was dumb and became better people for it.

Rendering wise the CG robots stand out like a sore thumb, but surprisingly their animated REALLY well. Like better then any other TV show based CG animation of it's era. It holds up shocking well to be honest.

He was def driving manual, you saw him using paddle shifters, their the little paddles behind the steering wheel he hits that are a replacement for stick shift in super fancy modern cars so you can shift gears without taking your hands off the wheel.

I'm pretty sure the Laramie/Lars thing is just using a shortend name and not liking his real name.