
Honestly it's not even being a little shit, It's just using a shortened version. My full name is Benjamin and I go by Ben just cause… fuck saying Benjamin all the time. I only get called Benjamin when I'm in trouble, like Lars was getting scolded for having bad grades, and he seems like a shit enough to talk back

Laramie is a boys name (Or a gender neutral name at least) though?

You've never had a koala trying to get i's chlamidya laden dick wet outside your window at night. Things aren't cute they sound like the fucking devil.

I loved that it didn't break at the hinge or the lock, but snapped in half down the middle.

Sometimes a sloth will think it's own arm is a branch and try to grab it and fall out of the tree and die.

This doesn't look like Rock N Rolla 2….

Honestly I think it looks fun, I think the typical tone for Arthurian legends is dull as fuck and actually reading the books as a kid was fucking painful. But this looks like a good time.

Tell your female freind that in a world where Travis Fimmel and his piercing blue eyes exists she is bad and wrong and may be the next Hitler.

I thought the reason they gave last time was the whole Tibet situation versus having the movie be marketable in China, which is honestly a shitty situation and this might not be the best solution, but I don't think there was a universally 'good' solution. What's this shit about the ancient one being Celtic?

"But if I need someone to save the day against all odds, I'm calling Sisko."
It seems like a full half of TOS episodes were Kirk facing down a new kind of petulant space god. I'd have him at my back any day.

Kirk would be best for a one night stand, rough love and leave kind of night, but it would be a hell of a night.
Piccard would be best for a long term relationship, always caring and attentive.
Janeway would be 13 yearold me's dreams come to life because I have a hopelessly huge crush on her, I don't care how bad Voyger

I came into TOS late (Like last year or so) and was kinda shocked by how measured and Reasonable Kirk is. He really is worlds apart from the typical swagger fucking and punching he's portrayed as.

If the answer to both questions is the same why bother asking for clarification?

The last time I saw avatar mentioned not my james cameron or in response to james cameron talking about it was an article like a year ago that was basically 'isn't it weird how Avatar made all the money in and now no one cares'

The rest of the world has had to put up with you yanks fucking massacaring our accents for god knows how long, so it's time for some revenge I say.

one white actor playing one asian. I mean I know it's not great but it's not like they got rid of all asians for white people. They also changed 'boring white dude' to Chiwetel Ejiofor

Ah cool, good to know, That said it was still obvious something in the culture at the time period that caused that particular style of art to become relevant (Read: Hippies) that doesn't exist in our culture at the moment.

He has FOUR MOVIES coming out this year?! How does he have 4 movies ?

Does anyone besides James Cameron care even the slightest about Avatar?

I saw most of the Trek movies as a kid, and have basically decided that I'm not gonna re-watch em cause I loved them and know their probbably gonna be shit so I just want to keep the memories of how cool space whales were. I enjoyed the first Trek reboot movie but by the second the 'JJ Abrams-ness' of it was really