
aww boo.

I mean if I'm being completely objective probably Piccard, but nah It's Janeway all day every day.

Did the male Mini-dresses from TNG ever show up in Voyger/DS9?

We've seen a city folding in on itself before, but honestly the more I see of the Dr Strange stuff the more it looks like it's doing something new. Inception was more based around being able to twist the ground of a city up and over like a wave, where as this is more like infintley recursive fractals wich I can't

I'm in Australia, they're in bulk in most supermarkets here.

The ships were mostly drones. I don't think each one was piloted (Just conveniently each one they managed to hijack… I guess?) He says when they landed on the planet there was a drone work force still there.

By 'IT' are you talking about the song? Cause I have to admit I'd heard that htey managed to work it into the plot and kind of dreaded it, but when it happened it was kind of fucking amazing.

Saw Star Trek Beyond

The thing is the Dikito art as much as I love it is a product of it's time. It wasn't some wholey original concept formed out of Steve Dikitos (frankly isnane) imagination, but instead a reflection of 70's psychedelia filtered through comic books.

We're talking about Inception on a pure visual level here since that's the only way it relates to Dr Strange, and on purely a visual level, the climax is the most boring bit of the film. Leading up to that is a parade of 'I've ever seen this before' moments and then the end is just kind of so so.

the fact that that shit happened only served to make 'james bond snow base' level even more of a disappointment.

Sucker punch was always "AMV's The Movie" to me

Honestly at this point I'm kind of of the oppinion that fine, you don't want me to get excited for your shit then fuck you I wont and just ignore it.

You say that like it's a bad thing? The effects from Inception were fantastic and underutelised, like the fact that the end just became a generic snow base attack was super dissapointing.

That looked… actually… good?

honestly I'm fine with the look they have going at the moment, Ditkos art was a product of it's time, I love it and I love old Dr Strange comics but I'm ok with them doing something different as long as they keep the spirit true.

Ok this looks better then it has any right to be.

Didn't this used to be called bewildering beasts and where to find them?

"Not made available in your country"
It's like they don't want me to be excited about things.