
My Main worry for this movie was that htey weren't going to go all in on how fucking weird Dr Strange is. But yeah… they're nailing it.

"Not available in your country"
Go eat a giant bag of dicks…

oh manI remember doing that (I was the little kid at the time) event pokemon back then meant an actual event, not just 'get a code from a store and get it online'

My PC is pretty far away from my TV, I wouldn't be able to do that without like physically moving my computer tower out to the lounge room.

well maybe 'legitimatly' is the wrong word. As legitimate as getting Missingno anyway.

The absolute lack of fucks he gives in the fights is a thing of beauty.

What are 'white people' things though? Like camping? Mountain Climbing? Home renovation?

From what I remember it's still there.

It required some super specific steps, but so did 'talk to the old dude, cancel out of his dialouge, fly to cinabar island, surf up and down the right coast making sure you haven't seen a pokemon yet, keep rare candy's/masterballs in your second item slot' to clone em, but everyone knew that shit.

Oh man I remember going from GTA 4 to Saints Row 2 and was hit with the sudden like 'oh god, that's right. These games can just be fun can't they'

Yeah I know, just backing it up because I know the first time someone told me I thought they were completely full of shit.

That 'unlock Shen Long in Street Fighter' rumor is like the entire reason Akuma exists today.

My wife found an etsy store that sells rom hacked gameboy games that they've actually loaded onto blank Gameboy cartridges. One of them was a 'pokemon full version' that let you catch all 151 in game, including mew by using strength on the truck.

Can I lie and say yes?

Fair enough.

yeah I'm in the 'just wait till it's fixed' camp but it's pretty frustrating. Before it actually felt like a game, like there were rules, there was a goal, there was a skill set at play. Now it's turned into 'just keep the app open while you go for a random walk'

Crazy huge starfox fan and platnium fan here and ugh… it's not worth it dude…

Man I'm so tempted to dive into KR0 but I can just never propperly connect with games on PC. I really hope it makes it's way to consoles (Or ideally Vita) cause it looks great.

to be fair, the actual method of finding pokemon in Go has been completely fucking broken for like a week now. It's supposed to rely on a 'hotter/colder' thing with how many paw prints are under the pokemon on the radar. 3 paws is further away, 1 paw is closer etc.

Can't say weather it's true or not, but naming the Eevee Pyro worked for my wife.