
Man I've been avoiding Overwatch almost entirely out of spite, but Ana looks so cool it might break me….

Does Rodan from Bayonetta count?

Man I had no idea who Tilda Swinton was going into that movie and came out just thinking "I want to see everything that woman makes…"

I'm pretty sure their two different charecters in theology.

It was tar not blood, which somehow manages to be even creepier.

Fuck he was there too wasn't he? Man that movie has a far better cast then it should.

You should check out Starbound if you're interested in Terraria, it's the same kinda feeling but sci-fi instead of fantasy and I feel like far more indepth. It also gives you motivation to explore since you're searching for material to repair your space ship rather then just 'survive'

Like I think without that specific cast that movie would have been another forgettable like. The Witch hunter, I Frankenstein kinda mess. But Keanu, Weizz pre-transformers Lebouf and a huge part of Tilda Swinton and Peter Stormare turn it into, if not something amazing, something just incredibly watchable and

Eyedol just came out for KI so I'll be putting some time into him. I'm also really wanting to learn Chunners in Street Fighter 5 so I'll probbably be spending some time there.

Has to be Peter Stromares Satan in Constantine, that movie has no right to be as good as it is but it's cast so fucking well, and Satan is SO fucking good in it. I love it to bits.

The thing that surprises me most about this is Oliver Stone had a pannel at comic con? That… doesn't really seem like his general audience?

The thing that really fucked with me about that is when I realised that I saw it reported and just figured 'yep' Like I've started just mentally filing away America into the 'awful shit keeps happening in a foreign country' file. It's become the same as reading about a suicide bombing in the middle east or something.

Man those priests are throwing some wicked fuckin shade there.

It's not that it's not a problem anymore it's more that… duh? Like I basically live in a constant state of assuming eveything is tracking me at all times and mining me for data to sell to advertising companies and foreign governments and shit. Is pokemon doing it? I mean… probbably? But so is literally everything else

Well I mean… it would be nice.

I'm always a sucker for when a show manages to put it's intro theme into an episode, but that is legitimatly the best use of it I've ever seen.

Why would you bring up that no ones mentioned yet then without checking to see if someones mentioned it?

It's what I never knew I always wanted….

aww man that's a shame, I had high hopes for this. I'll still probbably buy in when it hits consoles cause I want to support anyone putting that art style on my screen.

And yet, still more nuanced then anything in Bioshock Infinite.