
Was it the first two episodes? Or like in the middle of the show? Cause neither of them are really good options. The plot arc doesn't really kick in till like mid way through the first season and if you watch random episodes in the middle I feel like you'd miss a lot of whats happening.

Also the fact that Korra finished (And finished amazingly) means we got new Netflix Voltron which is also fantastic.

That's more of a 'fuck america' tour then the world….

It's just a shirt dude… I'd wear it for like for like 20 bucks.

This is the first movie Pegg wrote isn't it? So I don't think he had much to do with writing the first two movies.

Also then they uh… have to kill the gay charecter they made.

There's also the fact that Sulu being Born after Kirk and after the incursion by Eric Bana means he might actually not be the same exact genetic Sulu. Like Maybe his parents boned a night later or something so it got a different sperm/egg combination then Sulu prime (Which would also explain why he looks different)

Citadel DLC as a destination is legitimatley worth it. It's the true ending of Mass Effect and it's basically flawless.

Also… holy shit John Cho is 44?! Fuck man that guy aged well.

Yeah but Eric Bana showed up and fucked up a bunch of stuff before Sulu's conception at Kirks birth remember, that could have had butterfly effects that rammified down to something seemingly insignificant 4 years later when sulus mum and dad were making baby Sulu (Like a different show on TV cause the show that sulu

Sulu was younger then Kirk in the original timeline (Kirk born 2233, Sulu born 2237) If Kirk was conceived 9 months before the timeline was altered then there is nothing that would have happend to get Sulu born earlier.

Cho's sulu 'making a choice' or Takei's Sulu being in the closest only really applies to a binary definition of sexuality which is generally agreed to not really be real. If Sulu is like a 2 on the Kinsey scale Then Sulu Prime could be legitimately straight and Sulu reboot could have just met a different dude and

I can't handle that when yellowtail gets back at the begining of the episode he is carrying a soaking wet breifcase with fish sticking out of it. That's one of my faviourte visual jokes I've seen in a long time.

More to the point of how many powers can steven have, how fucking horrifying must Rose have been in a fight?
I mean flight, controll of plants, healing, a teleporting lion, giant cannons, huge sword, shield bubble powers, and I'm pretty sure I'm missing something?

It had the Citadel DLC which basically forever redeems it in my eyes cause that's the greatest shit I've ever played through in a game.

if the argument is that he got plastic surgery to change what he looks like, wouldn't they not look super similar?

so he solved global warming too? 2 birds with one stone! I like the cut of this Trumps jib.

Wait didn't Pegg write the movie? I'd say that gives him a pretty decent reason to weigh in on the topic?

god I had a guy that I considered a friend that started posting Breitbart shit on facebook, and at first I was trying to like, be reasonable cause, other then this shit I enjoyed this guys company but man… with all the cops shooting black people stuff that's been going on his reaction just got too much and I had to

I don't think the change was far enough back to change things that drastically, but it makes me wonder will next gen happen in this universe? Will there be an alt universe Piccard and Wharf and shit?