
To be fair, considering the 'quality' of reporting usually on Polygon lately, I can't blame them.

This is better then any pokemon game in the past decade.

So same rules as Star Wars.

Anime series is like super non canon, Fucking Pikachu beating a Ryhorn with thunder cause it hit him in hte horn. Go fuck yourself Ash and your bullshit hax pikachu.

Honestly untill someone reminded me about the movie I forgot it actually existed, (in spite of the aformentioned seeing it opening weekend) it's just that dull. But yeah I'll give you that, he's not like stand out bad or anything, he's just forgetable man shaped thing 2 in that film.

I sat through Die Hard V on opening weekend and refuse to give anyone 'in fairness' that movie is absolute trash and everyone involved should feel bad about it.

It has John Hannah in it, there is literally nothing that man is in that isn't atleast enjoyable bcause you're getting to watch John mother fucking Hannah (Also Brendan Fraiser is a national treasure and teh way he's been treated post The Mummy should be considered treason)

On Jai Courtney, if you haven't seen it check out Spartacus, he's actually really fucking good in it, I mean he's in the same show as Lucy Lawless and John mother fucking Hannah so he clearly isn't the best actor there, but he's likeable and fun and just enjoyable to spend time with.
I was actually completely unaware

Man I recently played through Nier that has the exact same thing going on, they changed the progagonist from a beautiful anime guy to this guy

Not to mention that live action 90's flash tv show royalties.

I think that was a special situation since he'd said he always wanted to do The Killing Joke but never got the chance, I think he also did the Arkham Knight game? But yeah Arkham City was when he said he was done with the Joker

Hamil is trying to quit being the Joker, apparently it's hell on his voice.

Look I don't know who this Rorshach dude is but I want to know why he keeps painting all these photos of my mother having sex?

There was a lot of lag on your inputs on uncharted 1 on ps3, like if you hit a direction on the joystick you needed to be holding that direction for a good second or two before you could hit jump to jump in that direction as Drakes animations played out of him turning around. So you couldn't just hit like left+ jump

saying it was poorly documented implied there was some kind of fucking documentation for that game :P

the two mcguffins in golden abyss are an amulet and a sword, I don't remember any golden skull at all.

ok skipping Levithan was a weird choice. It is the only one I would say is actually plot relevant. There is a lot of what the reapers are doing and why their doing it that is explained in Leviathan.

Honestly even soulsborne bosses git gud is kinda trash advise, there's advice you can give that will help for pretty much any of the bosses.

I heard they fixed a lot of the issues with Uncharted 1 for teh collection, cause man the ps3 version of that game is not good. It controlls like arse and is full of needless "Our controlelrs have gyroscopes in them you need to use them all the time!" shit. Also I know most people genereally don't even consider it,

Did you do the Citadel DLC? Cause man… that's the real ending of Mass Effect.