
You'd also miss the bit where the game just clearly gives the fuck up on your choices having consequences and decides for you that you were saving the little sisters regardless of what choices you made.

I would make a clearly sarcastic joke, but you would take it seriously and get upset again.

wow, you're a fucking muppet aren't you.

man I went into it not realising that it was this weird 'not quiet the appocalypse yet' setting and was super confused when their going to buy ice cream and shit.

I have to admit the Pennance suit was almost worth it for when someone else realised how fucking dumb it was and did an entire story about how he basically built it specifically for nitro then hunted him down and locked him in the suit.

no I don't think you're following, it being awful is exactly the reason I want to see it. If it was well done that would be a let down.

oh god thats a thing of beauty. I love it

well that and *whispers under his breath*sensible gun control laws*cough*

It's also the issue where Speedball suddenly goes from spending the entire comic saying 'I didn't do shit you guys are all crazy' to "BUILD ME A SUIT FULL OF SPIKES BECAUSE I DESERVE TO SUFFER! I AM NOW PENNANCE!"

frontline was great, untill the last issue and then it became actually the worst shit I've ever read.

don't forget all the cute animals that also are full of horrible posion and dieseases, like the adorable fuzzy flying foxes filled with hendra virus, or the adorable fluffy platypuses that have spurs with neuro toxins in them,

hey hey hey hey now, no one ever said what kinda beer they were getting.
(But the movie was shot in Victoria which means probably VB in which case yeah that shit is piss water)

I'm Australian, I didn't even realise there was a dubbed version till recently (Around fury roads release). I've really gotta track ti down to see just… what the actual fuck is going on there.

On the special mentions, I've gotta say I think Mad Max 1 is way better then 2. 2 might have been more influential but it's full of what feels like a lot of dumb action movie stuff that was there to be popular. While Mad Max 1 feels like something super unique and wholey it's own thing. I also prefer the 'just before

She walks in, stops the reapers, then goes back and has one last mission fighting her clone. It ends with the Citadel DLC party. It ends PERFECTLY.

I legitimately forgot it even had a second season…

Bioshock ends when you meet Andrew Ryan. Fuck everything after that.

*shameful upvote*

hate to break it to you , but DC renamed Captain Marvel to Shazam now. So now only Marvel have a captain marvel.

oh fuck I think I actually had that.