
I like shotgunned all of kill 6 billion demons recently and that's honestly one of the most fucking amazing comics I've ever read. Like… wow that comic is incredible. Seriously the amount of world building and concept work in that shit is absolutely ludicrous.

isn't that,,, just 50 shades of grey?

That's… not true though.

Still the best meme.

I've gotta disagree, I think the success of games like Dark Souls not to mention the rise of massacore platformers like Super Meat Boy or I wanna be the guy proves that there's still a big market for trial and error style game play. There's a huge enjoyment to come from mastering a previously insurmountable

shit gets super confusing trying to track down exactly who did what on old japanese games, but as far as I can tell for MM1/2 he was an illustrator and charecter designer, then after Akira Kitamura left capcom he became kind of like a general overseer of the franchise. Kind of like the role Miyamoto has over Mario

well that's kind of on you for telling facebook that that person is your friend and you care about what they do. Don't do that and facebook gets way better.

Yeah I mentioned that somewhere above, I think they really should have canned some of the versions when shit got out of hand and refunded people money. Like there's a Shield Portable version fo teh game, what the fuck even is the Shield Portable? I made a joke that like 5 people would want hte Wii-u one, but I

There's actually early demo footage from before it ended up being an 'everything' game that looks fantastic.

Art style never shifted. It got downgraded from the initial concept, but that's cause they chose to release it on fucking every thing that can play games under the sun.

It's basically a case of people not knowing much about how game development works. Divinity original sin was a huge game, but it released on PC, then a year later based on the pc sales it got ported to Xbone/PS4.

I think the why is simple.
They aimed way WAY too big for the money they got. Launching on 10 sku's if fucking unheard of. Even major publishers with hundreds of millions of dollar budgets don't do that. Assassins Creed and Call of Duty did ps3/ps4 games once. And then immediately dropped it and went exclusively next

not mocking you, just saying you're statistically insignificant in terms of marketing a game. The Wii-u is a huge fucking bomb, it's hardly a 'necessary console' to launch on.

Honestly they could probably skip the 5 people that own a wii-u and nothing else.

they made it for 10 systems. That shit is fucking absurd if I'm honest. Inafune should have really known better.

honestly the complaints about needing to memorise shit in a megaman game seem dumb. That's a megaman game… I remember having to fucking memorise the god damm appearing blocks in ice mans stage in MM 1 for way too long with that fucking spinning blade thing on the bottom to kill you every time you fucked up, untill I

I haven't beaten it yet I'm waiting for the Vita version to drop before I really dive in, but since it was cross buy for my code I played a little of the PS3 version.

That only makes sense if you don't understand how Comcept works (the company Keiji Inafune runs) they are designers not developers. Wich means that after the design work, concepts and shit were all done, their work was completely done. Then Inticreates were in charge of all teh actual asset creation, programming etc.

"visually inventive and interesting Dreamworks film since, well, forever. "
Man did you see the Croods? That movie has some of the best environment design I've seen in an animated movie. Like some abolute next level like weird 50's sci-fi shit.

Why wouldn't you render Calvin's hair with a billboard object so that it appears to be facing the camera no matter where you point the camera. This is a cool idea but the execution doesn't quiet sell it.