
But real talk, are we getting Matt LeBlanc in this?

look if you know a better way to make films then the hundredth variation of underbelly, I'd like to hear it.

Well the Australian actors aren't getting cast as Australians so they need something.

Tarzan wasn't raised by the local people in Africa, he was rasied by gorillas. The local people weren't raised by Gorillas, they were raised in their own societies. Their situations aren't compareable.

Ignoring the whole 'public figure' bit is kind of ignoring the entire point of the video wich is about the price people pay for fame and them losing their own kind of identity as it becomes a public commodity.

isn't there a whole bunch of weird bullshit that she apparently approved the line and then backtracked on it?
Honestly the entire thing seems like two people desperate for attention desperately crying for attention. Who cares.

isn't that kinda the entire point though? That when people become famous they start to lose the rights to their own self identity and become a commodity?

hell he even did the song about how much kanye loves kanye with this exact same kinda wording
"That's all it was Kanye, we still love Kanye
And I love you like Kanye loves Kanye"

"People just don't like her so they look for any excuse, which is so incredibly lame." I honestly have no strong feelings about her one way or the other, never watched anything she's done. But the shit being said in this thread is super fucking creepy.

isn't that kinda the point of the video though? Shit's supposed to be creepy.

well yeah anyone can be exploited in any job, that's just a fact of life, it still seems a bit harsh to then paint everyone involved as bad though. Especially saying their worse then like, the people that make bum fights videos…

I'm honestly not sure Scud did eschew it that much. Shit gets pretty chaotic and messy in Scud,

If you haven't, I strongly reccomend checking out Box Trolls, it absolutely nails teh kind of weird disgustingness that a lot of Dahls stories went to.

wait who the fuck was he in moon? That movie only had two people in.

as long as everyone is consenting, how is that bad?

I feel like Earth Worm Jim is as close to the perfect Scud game as we'll ever get.

Scud really would be perfect for this kinda game though, basically if you play through Earthworm Jim, and replace Jim with Scud then you have the perfect Scud game. Scud's not an imortal unstoppable or anything, he is actually pretty fallible.

he says, getting in the last word without adding anything to the conversation.

Super Hero isn't really a genre, it's more of a setting that they explore different genres through.

now saying that I would have loved to see what Lakia could have done with this,