
I still say James and the Giant Peach is my fave Dahl addaptation, I feel like stop motion and Dhal just go together so fucking well.

There are plenty of movies that suck, that doesn't make Akira good.
And a movie being pretty doesn't justify it being completely incoherent. The Thief and the Cobbler is still a boring arse movie in spite of it being probably the best looking 2D animated feature ever produced.

If it was a 10 minute animation show case then being the best looking thing around would be fine. A movie needs to be more then really pretty though. Style over substance isn't forgiven anywhere else so I don't see why it should be forgiven here. It's basically the Zack Snyders Sucker Punch of anime.

I feel like animation quality is something a lot of people miss out on unless their into animation, but Akira is like animated on the same quality as like a feature Disney movie. And is honestly one of like 2 or 3 japanese animated movies that reaches that quality.

honestly if your movie needs suplementary material to be coherent. Then your movie is shit. Imagine if you went and saw like Captain America Winter Soldier and the movie didn't make any sense and people told you 'well yeah you need to read the comic' Thats a shit movie.

What can I say, I'm an optimist.

Why would you not want to direct space jam 2?

that's a dumb reason to not do something. Adaptations change mediums all the time, if the only thing that makes Akira a story worth telling is the quality of the medium it was done in, then that kind of implies everything else about it was shit.

well it might have a coherent story for one….

Honestly I think Akira is a fantastically animated film that at the end of the day is… kinda shit? Like the charecters are nothing and the story is just dumb.

The movie Akira is literally the unfinished story. It was made before the manga was finished so they just kinda…. went where they decided it should.

life of pablo debuted at no 1 on billboards, 99.99% of people will never have an album anywhere on the billboards so it's factually true.

"you're using a green paintbrush to color yellow."
But the colour of your paintbrush doesn't effect the colour you're painting?

Wife and I were both sick, we dragged dunas into the lounge room, curled up and marathoned like 40 episodes of one piece.

I…. fuck. I need to get Youtube Red subscription now don't I?

Well… that actually explains why there was a smart arse hacker kid in jurassic park, I feel like that charecter makes way more sense in robot world.

ok so I have no idea what the movie paparazzo is about can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on in that screenshot for the header?

oh man never saw the original westworld but this looks fantastic.

Went and saw Warcraft.
Really enjoyed it, don't understand what all the harshing on it was about, it's exactly what I wanted and expected from a warcraft movie.

Oh jesus fucking christ that's WAY too young.