
I remember flipping onto SBS late night and being greeted by this fucking thing. (SBS being a foreign language government dunded TV station in Australia, a fantastic source of flipping over at 10pm and finding the weirdest shit.) The sociopolitical stuff went over my head since I was like 13 but the visuals fucking

The first time I read Sharknife by Corey Lewis was a 'oh fuck…. this is my people'
Everything that man makes is just absolutely my bag. Hyper kinetic fun over the top action with just the best fucking sense of style.

I doubt he's supposed to be a Baron Mordo stand in since Baron Mordo is actually in the movie played by Chiwetel Ejiofor, seems weird to double up on that archatype.

Dreams are real

Uh I'm not… I was specifically pointing out the most obvious difference for people saying that avatar and anime are the same. I mean I could go into it at more length but I'm not really sure anyone else actually cares that much.

yeah I saw another one that was basically "The debate on gun control was over after Sandy Hook, once that's ok nothing is going to change"
I just want people to stop dying. Is that really too much to ask?

oh jesus I didn't see you edit a novel into your fucking post.
You seem like a crazy person though, so uh… I'm not gonna argue with you.

How the fuck is being outraged by about ANOTHER mass shooting trolling for attention? It's fucked up, and the fact that it KEEPS happening and nothing is done about it is even more fucked up.

Jesus I'm not even American but your governments continued lack of response to this shit is god damm sickening. That 'there's no way to stop this says only country where this continually happens' Onion article should be becoming less relevant every year, not MORE fucking relevant. Jesus…

Still playing a shit load of Nier, think I'm hitting the home stretch, this is one of the strangest games I've ever fucking played.

No but Jonny Depp is famous and (was at the time) beloved, while Barnay Joyce is a wanker so it's the Australian laws that are wrong.

Ok 3 episodes in and Sava's review tendencies are becoming really apparent. This shit seems like the 'shield kills off a black dude every season' shit again.

honestly if you find the lack of women in the show a problem, keep watching. Like atleast till episode 3.

Ok watched the first episode. Legit loved it, charecters are great, aniamtion is fantastic, Giant Robots punch shit and lasers and shit explodes.

There is a HUGE difference between Avatar and Anime.
It's not just charecter design but how it's actually animated.
Anime uses what's called limited animation, basically they save the budget as much as possible to spend it all on the big action scenes. This leads to some amazing action scenes at the cost of charecter

Cool fight scenes is all I really want so I'm pumped.

Valiant Hearts is defeintly worth your time, I'd rate it over child of light. Follows the storys of like 5 different people during world war 1. It's kind of amazing and will make you cry.

" Has Ubi Art put out anything else since that?"
Valiant Heart, Gravity Falls and the Rayman IOS/Android game.
4 games in 3 years is honestly a pretty good effort.


I'm sorry, do you not see any irony with painting whole groups of people with the same brush when talking about racism?