
Oh shit you're right. Have been watching the new CG TMNT show and it has Mona Lisa in so I got confused, side note, new CG TMNT show is great. Though instead of being a reject from Grease she's a space warrior chick with a laser sword.

I'm sorry. You're right to cut me.

Man I found that show on Netflix and started watching it again.
That show is fucking atrocious for a whole shit load of reasons that have nothing to do with Mona Lisa, like the turtle costumes making the turtles look like cannibal meth heads and are haunting my dreams forever.

Man their lucky the game devs aren't spitefull enough to just 'fuck you, we quit' on them then. As much as I can't stand Phill Fish, him responding to death threats by cancelling Fez 2 and quitting game development was a fucking master stroke.

Wonder woman is probably not the best character to try and 'get' superheroes. I love me some wonder woman but she has an issue where her stories constantly get rebooted and she never really gets a chance to really grow into a lot her different incarnations. It's super fucking irritating.

Gender diversity of the ninja turtles? You mean when they added Mona Lisa in during the tv show?

Ok so I watched
The Nice Guys.
Exactly what I wanted from a shane black detective action commedy. Really fucking good film. Weird lack of christmas though. Highly reccomend it

Yeah the game sounds cool but I'm really curious to see how unique and interesting the worlds actually are. Or if it's going to be big open boring areas like exploring the planets in Mass Effect 1.

As a video game fan, video game fans are the worst fucking people.

Honestly I'm not familiar enough with how music works to even be able to tell how similar they are on a proper level. But I feel considering how much of music history was created by 'borrowing' riffs and shit it probbably shouldn't be something you can even sue over.

I have mixed feeling on the Korra game, I realy enjoyed the combat system they developed for it, it's one of my faviourte fighting systems they've done, but it was really clearly held back by a fucking tiny budget.

well the original is only 3 notes up a scale vs biebers wich is 4. So it seems pretty fucking shakey.

but it's not even the same bit, it's a similar bit, the bieber song is 4 notes, the white hinterland one is 3.

nah man the song is entirely about car racing, not to mention the second verse is all about him constantly racing around an empty track 'haunted by something he can not define' which is straight up a scene from the speed racer movie where he's racing against his brothers ghost on an empty track.

man 'realistic' is not a word I would have ever used to describe those games
, you fight glowing anime chick with a lance that magically teleports around and kills tanks in one hit.

The endings tell you a lot IF you work for it. But like everything in dark souls, nothing is free. You want the resolution to what is going on then work for it.

Yeah pacing is such a strong suite in most of his games (pre platnium he did Resident Evil 1, 2 Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe and Okami) He really hasn't done anything that's at the 40+ hour length like Okami before but Scalebound does look like it might get up there.

They kinda did it in DS 2 with the bonfires that exploded when you touched them but that just lead to a melted head talking at you and then went back to a bonfire. First time it happeend scared teh shit out of me though.

Man I'm dissapoitned with the mimics in DS 3 to be honest. DS 2 had a cool addition where you couldn't just whack at chests because they'd break, but they dropped that in DS 3 and turned it back into attacking every chest before you opened it.

Man that game is fucking long…. It's honestly the only Hidekai Kamiya game I didn't really enjoy cause it just… fucking draaaaags.