
Gonna try and finish of The Incredible Adventures of Van Hellsing, then will move onto TMNT Mutants in Manhattan, I've heard it's pretty mediocre, but it's Platnium so I'm buying it.

I actually got an awesome run to the final boss thanks to a perfectly named invader. As soon as I ported in I got invaded by another player named "The True Kindled One" and immediatly assumed with that name it was a fucking NPC. But nope, another player hunting in the perfect spot with the perfect name.

I want going the Distance by cake in Speedracer

yeah I think if you remove the 'bieber and skrillex' bit from this a lot of people would be bitching about overeach of sampling laws.

I honestly don't know how they expected to make that series of books into a franchise. Like yeah you can cut out the religious stuff from the first book and still be left with a semi-coherent plot. But by the time their discovering god is an impotent feeble old man being controlled by the archangels and the final

I think Brosnan is actually the best bond of the franchise, he just got stuck with some of the worst fucking movies.

With how they've used it it feels more like an intentional choice to make those moments hit super hard. If fuck had been dropped liberally throughout the season then the "I'll fucking kill you" and "Get the fuck out of my house" wouldn't have the same impact.

It's not even so much that 'drifting is cool' or not, it's that you get to see a bunch of stunt drivers doing there thing at the top of their game and that shit is always cool to watch. A lot of the dramatic scenes in like 2 fast 2 furious were CG (like the tunnel scequence and shit) but Tokyo Drift tried to avoid CG

well… yeah it's Fast and the Furious. This is the franchise that turned 'I live my life a quater mile at a time' into a life phillosophy.

Most of his movie stuff focuses on one of two things, 80's pop culture or monster movies. Ghostbusters is the perfect intersection of two things that his fans know he loves. Not to mention he's talked before about ghostbusters being one of his faviourte movies.

I've been hearing about that but fuck them I refuse to beleive in shit till I can buy the fucking album

It seems like they get one fuck a season to use and they've made both of them hit so fucking hard. Both times is someone from his past telling him they want nothing to do with him anymore.

Season 2 is REALLY good man, I'd rate it over 1.

I have loved a lot of shit Netflix has produced, like really really fucking loved. It's some of my faviourte television shows.

The first couple of episodes made me think "Yeah this is a pretty good funny show" but it wasn't till the season really got going that I was like "HOLY SHIT THIS FUCKING SHOW!"

I'm not sure 'fun' is a word I'd use to describe this show anymore.

I remember reading a thing a while back that they specifically kept the level of phones and computers used in the movies at like a mid 2000 level cause of that. I'd need to go back and re-watch em to check though.

3 is the first movie that the action sequences justify the the existence of the movie. Part 1 and 2 are not really good movies, they get better on re-watching them cause you're attached to the charecters at that point. But man on their own their kinda rubbish, the heist at the end of part 1 is pretty good but the

there is apparently an amazing follow up to since I left you by the avalances that we'll never hear cause of sampling laws.

Fuck you Tokyo Drift is rad.