
2 fast 2 furious is the single gayest movie I've ever seen. And I don't mean that in a pejoritive insulting way but in a "I've never watched a movie where 2 guys want 2 fuck eachother more then this movie"


I actually much prefer Cap/Black Widow just being pals then having everyone who looks at eachother want to fuck.

That news was posted on the 30th of april, that's like 4 days before the trailer I linked to was even posted.
It's not that hard to check for yourself
Ghostbusters trailer
243.233 thumbs up 842,258 thumbs down

Ok first up "which is now the most disliked YouTube trailer in history, mind you" It is not even CLOSE to the most disliked youtube trailer in history. Movie trailer maybe, but trailer in general? Nah.

"Guy that does reviews of movies says new movie doesn't look good so he won't see it on his youtube channel"
"Think piece on how he's a sexist monster and a sign of fan entitlement"

the second trailer actually had a bit of stuff in there that I genuinley laughed at, but man that first one was just… wow… just… god it was really bad.

I saw a lot of vitriol based on the robocop remake, mainly focused around his suit being black and that leaked set photo where he had a human hand.

Do you remember the internet absolutely losing their fucking minds when Bay said that the Turtles were aliens untill they forced a script re-write? Cause I fucking do.

I would wager a lot of intensity of the anger comes from people seeing the first trailer and thinking it looked awful, then being immediately inundated with calls of being sexist and misogynistic and seeing constant articles like this one written basically saying 'if you're not all on board with new ghostbusters then

This article is addressing a specific video where a dude calmly states to his audience (Who would be asking for ghost busters trailer reviews) that he doesn't think the movie looks very good so he's not going to see it.

except Rolfe wasn't raging at all, he was just saying 'this movie doesn't look good and I'm not going to see it'

I heard a fuck load about people pissed off about the Robocop remake, "WHY THE FUCK IS HIS SUIT BLACK!?!" "WHY DOES HE HAVE A HUMAN HAND!?!" People were fucking pissed off at that movie.

He has a fan base that knows he's a big ghostbusters fan. If he didn't put out this video he would get heaps of questions about 'hey what do you think of the new ghostbusters, are you gonna see the new ghostbusters' etc etc.

You could sum up any character in the movie with two negative words to make them seem like an arsehole. His sister could be written off as Nosy and Entitled. Principal Roony could be written off as an obsessive lunatic etc.

Ferris is ONE of the necessary elements for Cameron wrecking the car, Cameron and his whole state of mind and pent up rage are a FAR bigger necessary element for the car getting wrecked.

Geeze, you think I'm a good writer? Well… lets see if we can fix that then.

never watched hte US one, but it was successful enough to get two seasons so clearly someone liked it.

An actual unique take at this point would be a thought piece in defense of Ferris.

An actual unique take at this point would be a thought piece in defense of Ferris.