
All their games (Including fruit ninja) have been self published. So yeah it's all them.

Hey cool, Halfbrick is a tiny studio in Brisbane so I'm cool with them getting success.

Yeah I enjoyed AC 4 for what it was, but it was barely an assassins creed game. I know most people skipped it cause it came out the same day as Unity, but AC Rogue on the 360/ps3 did the ship stuff and just general AC4 design way way better and is actually one of my faviourte games in the franchise.

I actually really enjoyed Connor and the modern day stuff has always been my faviourte parts of the franchise. But if that stuff didn't click for you I can see how the game would suck.

I would take AC 3 over Revelations by a mile. Apart from some glitchy missions (Paul Reveres ride can go fuck itself) it had an actual modern day plot with some rad as fuck shit, it added a bunch of new gameplay interesting gameplay stuff like the natural environments, it varied up the combat so we had different enemy

I honestly don't remember any of them that weren't Angelus (from buffy anyway)

John Hannah is just the fucking best in every single thing I've ever seen him in. I don't want him to be a villian, I want him to be main fucking cast.

Fuck that was so good. I had Lincolns death spoiled for me by twitter cause I fucking loathe the live tweeting of the shows done by the cast. I was never on the Lincoln hate train like most people, but there were no tears. I'm honestly more sad to see Bret Dalton go cause main he got so fucking fun when he went bad.

Honestly Ezio's story didn't really NEED to be wrapped up though. Like there were no huge loose ends or anything that really needed to be dug into at the end of Brotherhood. We get to find out that… he got really old and banged a much much younger woman in a relationship that was honestly kinda creepy? Hooray…. I

ok I'm watching the new wheel of the worst and I think I might have to reconsider cause holy shit this is gold.

You're not missing much. Honestly at this point you've probbably seen the entire original trilgoy through pop culture osmosis. The only real thing you'd get out of seeing em now is an 'oh so that's where that comes from' thing.

aww… well now the joke isn't as funny if you're going to be all understanding and shit.

haha ok yeah the very first riff of that song and I know I've heard that before.

and then before he even finishes it he starts throwing those huge fucking energy blasts, so if you're just legging it to get away you get caught by the god damm kamahamaha.

Fuck Aldrich so hard, so far I've worked out the best stratagey against him is 'get really fucking lucky' the only way I managed to beat him was fluke it and manage to get a run against him where he didn't use that fucking shitty ball slapping fuck you arrow storm.

Dude clearly it's Link/Malon. That's not even a question.

man this kind of obnoxious dick waving about the Beatles is one of the reasons I have absolutely no desire to go listen to their stuff.

Fuck everything about Egg Cream

No, I'm specifically saying I couldn't name them as Beatles songs (Well I could now you pointed out that they are)
I have no idea what Come Together is, the others I can hum the chorus but Come Together isn't ringing any bells.

That's why I didn't say "I've only heard 3 or 4 songs" I'm sure I've heard more then that, but not knowing much about the Beatles or really caring to be honest isn't really that strange.