
yeah the charecter of plinkett is super off putting and put me off watching those reviews for like a good 6 months cause I just didn't want to listen to that guy talk for 3 hours. But when I finally gave in to the fucking fanatacisim that people raved about it, their really some of the best examinations of a movie

I'm playing The Incredible Adventures of Van Hellsing. It's a low budget eastern european diablo knock off that's cashing in on the 'popularity' of the Hugh Jackman movie like 8 years too late.

oh god I forgot it got a sequel… man was it any good? Atleast that one chase sequence in District B 13 was amazing.

Cool so this is the place to announce my undying love of Bill Cosby?

I laughed and then got really sad.

every comedy song ever made was by Weird Al, Even if it's sung by a woman. That's weird al.

I'm sorry, I'm thankful for the link and the recommendation, but I have to downvote you on principal because of that 'goodgoodnotbad' crack.

I don't know what that is and I choose to not discover anything about it cause it sounds gross.

I'm like 90% sure you made up those two titles. They seriously have a song about old brown shoes?

District B 13 is a cinematic masterpiece!

Uh… Lucy in the sky with diamonds, yellow submarine…. um nowhere man…. there was one about a wallrus or something? Umm..uh… does imagine count?

I still say their plinket reviews are their best work, but best of the worst is pretty fucking great too.

I could name like… 3 maybe 4 beatles songs with a gun to my head. Some people listen to different things then you.

you and your vanilla coke drinking breathren will be first against the wall when the revolution comes.

I have an unashamed loved of the Assassins Creed franchise, I know it's trashy and repetitive but I fucking love it. But even I struggle to defend fucking AC Revelations. That game is just so… fucking unnecessary. It's just not good and I genuinely reccomend skipping it to anyone wanting to play through AC.

yeah that's a good way of putting it. I've never detected a hint of actual malice in anything Franco has done, Dr Luke seems like almost cartoonishly evil at this point though.

Look I don't mind that the computers failed, I just think it's a little inaprorpirate that the error message was replaced with a hologram of Suge Knight shooting Tupac

Honestly even if he didn't do it, the way he's acted since the accusations prove he's a disgusting scumbag anyway. So really you're just choosing between weather he's a disgusting manipulative arsehole scumbag, or a disgusting manipulative arsehole scumbag rapist.

only if we get a "DONT YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?"

Does he also get sexually abused then I guess?