
Jonah Hill was?
After he called someone a f***t he was pretty quick to admit that what he did was horrible and inexcusable.
" I said the most hurtful word I could think of at that moment. I didn’t mean this in the sense of the word. I didn’t mean it in a homophobic way. I think that….that doesn’t matter, you know? How

he seems like a fun guy to be honest.

Man I live in fucking Australia, my options for watching it live are 'go fuck yourself'

Well then Shield isn't less legal the most US government operations, so take that as you will.

I hated the Sticker Peel logo cause they always had DC Comics written underneath it. Fucking Detecitve Comics Comics. Fuck you DC.

oh man I haven't gottena chance to watch the season finale yet but I'm excited.

"It's still an organization that kills and imprisons people with no legal authority or recourse to the law or the courts."

I have no idea who Maria Bramford is but this show sounds fun.

I honestly can't even tell if this is a joke or not.

no sorry, I didn't mean the scenes inside the ship, I mean the actual space stuff of ships flying around and space stations and shit. The models they've used are just stunningly detailed, and in the HD shit on blu ray that stuff is like almost cinematic quality. I mean yeah when they get onto generic sound stage

Is there anything the rock isn't in lately? I swear he's in like every second movie, AND THATS THE EXACT WAY IT SHOULD BE!

I watched TNG directly after OG and you're an actual crazy person. On planet sure, but the ship stuff in TNG is amazing, esspecially if you watch the HD blu-ray stuff. That shit is like cinematic quality. It's legit fucking impressive as hell.

nose and ears? Man fuck that, I'll change the tits to be way bigger and then it's no longer an accurate representation.

yeah I'm sorry you're completly full of shit cause in Raging Pheonix, Kazu Patrick Tang fights a bunch of random ninja goons on kangaroo stilts and it's the most absurd amazing bullshit in the world.

Yeah so much of what works about Edge of Tomorow is playing off the public persona of Tom Cruise as the mosty shiny perfect kinda weird movie star. And just super sharply contrasting that with this black commedy repeated murder.

Mario, Double Dragon, Street Fighter, Mortal Komabat: Anihlation Resident Evil 1, Max Payne, Prince of Persia, Hitman.

You mean red and green like a bouquet of roses? cause that is something pretty famous for being beautiful.

Ok lets for the sake of argument assume Dr Luke didn't rape her (although… come on…)
This whole thing still makes him come off like an absolute disgusting scumbag. Like this is enough awful shit he's doing to make everyone with half a brain hate him for ever anyway. Even ignoring the rape.

you're a crazy person, it's so common because they're a set of complimentary colours.