
It's kinda weird that they went that old to be honest. Like I get that Bond is older then most of his ladies but Mirrim is like fucking 70? That's over a decade on Roger Moore at his oldest.

Honestly it's not that bad…. I mean compared to the films anyway. Where Sean Connoroy beats a woman up then holds her down and rapes her.

Jack Black on his own I agree with you, but Black and The Rock together defenilty have the charisma to carry pretty much the worst shit.

most people only ever played it cause it came with a free demo for Halo 3. Wich is a shame cause it's a really fucking good game, all the other 'super powered people in an open world game' like Infamous, Prototype and Saints Row 4 never really managed to live up to just how addictive and fun it is to use your super

Did anyone play Crackdown 2 long enough to see if this story played out anymore? I … really couldn't stand that game enough to try?

God you can really see the Legend of Korra charecter animation work going on there.

If a senator is getting involved, doesn't that by it's nature mean that government is getting involved?

We're two seasons into daredevil, two seasons into agent carter one season into jessica jones, and 3 seasons into shield. That's a lot to keep track of.

Either water temple in ocarina of time (Honestly surprised that's not mentioned) the constant swapping of boots that you can't equip to a c button is fucking infuriating. Or any of the 'poison swamp' areas from dark souls. The poison bit isn't that bad, the getting bogged in the swamp and having to navigate them at

Honestly leaving to be with daisy yeah stupid, wanting an excuse to get the fuck out of there, I can't blame him. He was being held prisoner for no real reason at that point other then 'nah fuck that guy'

It might have but Lash seems more of the 'see thing, fight' kinda guy then thinking out long term consequences.

oh my god I almost want him back to see the butthurt.

to be fair the DC movies just completely ignore the CW shows so it's a much smaller effort to keep that all connected. It's more similar to say what Netflix is doing.

It's being made, but to the Limp Bizkit, Fred Durst cover of Faith.

He could have, but would Lash have known that? He doesn't realy seem to be a thinker.

I'm not even sure the watchdogs had guns on them in the alley? they were all kitted up with like battons and shit to beat him up. I didn't see any guns on em.

Yeah I think it's weird that people are taking what Lincoln says as gospel.

I'm honestly not sure Daisy does at this point.

I just wish we got the same coulson we got in the movies. Coulson in the movies and Coulson in the tv show are basically two seperate charecters.

To be fair, Coulson is also a huge Cap fanboy, so I can' see him siding with cap on this just cause of that.