
I know it's hoping in vein but I want him to make it to next season.

"Bowie was the most tragic of all because it was real sickness. All the other ones were a choice"

I have to go sob in the corner for a while now…

wait wait wait… WAIT

That's why I desperatly want facebooks response to this to just be 'yeah…. and?"

do you know how hard it is to answer phone calls at work when I'm cackling at this comment?

Ok so for real, what do republicans do if they accuse Facebook of having a liberal bias and facebook responds with "Yeah and?"

I'm not american, but you guys have like… a lot of nukes, like a lets be honest here. Frankly absurd amount of nukes.

Aren't republicans all about keeping government out of buisness? Or does that only apply when buisnesses are doing what republicans want?

That kind of implies you'd watch it.

untill I see the movie I'm pretending there is going to be no cg enhancement to that scene and we will just see it as is. Dr Strange will shock us all as being marvels entry into the pratfall commedy genre.

The best thing is that since we haven't seen Strange yet, I get to pretend that the clip of Bandersnatch Cucumber isn't actually going to be editied to make it look cool.

On the one hand, it sucks that Paramount are suing them, on the other hand NO FUCKING SHIT PARAMOUNT ARE SUING THEM!?
Seriously as if you'd make something like this and not have a back up plan. The Starfox Animated Series thing was made with the expectation that Nintendo would C&D them so they had the "A fox in Space'

I'm kinda surprised that Cain hasn't started showing up in Sandler movies.

jesus sorry that image is literally hard to read, the lemons are super bright and distracting, can we put like a basic graphic design guide on the reading list?

It wasn't so much them doing it for profit though, it was them being a super hero team and they were poor and needed funding to be able to keep helping people so they ended up having a camera crew following them around so they could continue to fund the team. They weren't a bunch of fame hounds or anything, they were

even that is worse then what she actually did, it's more like hitting a switch so an out of controll train hits a completely empty area instead of a populated area, but then outside of your control the train derails before it gets to the empty area and kills a couple of people.

Shit was it for Andrew Garfield spidey? For some reason I thought people had been campaigning for him for this spidey.

if educated means he goes to college, then how can we be complaining that a highschool kid is 'educated' in that sense?

The worst thing Civil War did is the first thing people usually forget.