
Spider-Gwen is amazing though?

Is he actually what most people consider 'educated' he just goes to a public school. I mean sure he's a freaky genius cause comic books, but it's not like he's been being sent to the best schools his entire life. He's been being sent to shitty public schools that literally anyone can go to.

if you're not american, you'll tend to find it pretty easy to relate to americans regardless, because by the time your like 10 90% of the media you see will be about Americans.

Donald Glover is 32. He's only two years younger then Evans. I love him but having him playing a gee whillickers teenager would have been weird and creepy. (Not dissimilar to Toby McGuire pretending to be a highschooler in spiderman 1 wich was always fucking stupid)

I think the biggest issue with Donglover (In reality not in online BOO HE'S NOT WHITE!) is that he's way too old. Dude's 32. Like if they'd got him straight off of when he had like 1 line in a crowd in 30 Rock sure then he would have been great. but for any current telling of him he's way too old.

She bears absolutely no responsibility for the deaths. She moved a suicide bomber from a crowded street to the least crowded place she could get him to in the time she had.

I prefer the term Comerama

I am shocked that Pearlman isn't playing Bigfoot, like that seems like a shoe in.

There's no love interest in the Australian one. The only real female characters are Michael Keatons daughter and her girlfriend.

the thing that really shits me about Chuck and Larry (aside from the obvious awfulness of it) is that it's basically exactly the same as Strange Bedfellows with Paul Hogan and Michel Cayton, except you know the Australian one is actually really good.

you mean the best version of showgirls?

He has… uh… whirlwind I think? Wow… yeah he really doesn't have villains does he. Taskmaster's whole running a goon squad thing seems like it would be the perfect fit for Ant-mans heist structure too.

the fuck you talking about it's not a problem?

Ah that actually makes a lot of sense, cheers.

I think sitting alone in my lounge room with the lights turned off drinking tequilla straight from the bottle while sobbing at my overwhelming loneliness sounds like a more entertaining night then watching Delgo.

How about you just don't watch Delgo? That seems like a better choice.

I wasn't saying that pacific rim and Lucy were similar, I'm saying that movie studios tend to only look at domestic gross not international. And using another movie as an example of when they did that.

Snow White and the huntsman or whatever wasn't a flop though, that movie sucked but it made bank like a mother fucker. Second one… not so much wich is a shame cause it's a better film.

Remember there was that whole leaked workprint version of Wolverine: Origins, the studios were pretty public in saying that the only reason they beleived the movie didn't do great was because of that and not because… you know it was a fucking atrocious movie.

If you'd seen home and away you'd realize that that me defending him cause of home and away was absolutely dripping with sarcasam because that show is fucking trash. I mean it's trash that I watched every night because I am human scum, but it's trash none the less.