
It was a swerve to me as well, turns out captain america isn't even in the movie, it's all an elaborate war game between Tony and different robot versions of his friends that he's fought.

worldwide it did, in the US it made like 100 mil. and if I've learnt anything from watching how movie studios work, if it didn't make that money in the US then go fuck yourself. Pacific Rim did similar numbers (on a bigger budget admiteddly) and look how hard Del Toro had to struggle to get a sequel made even giving

Well paramounts is prepared to risk a movie on her, not Disney. That's two different 'they's'

Is she really though? The only big budget tentpole movies she's been in were marvel movies wich weren't exactly succeeding on her name. Everything else she's done is smaller indie films like Her, or In her skin. The biggest non marvel movie she's really done was Lucy and that didn't set the world on fire.

yeah sorry no way is she more interesting then the punisher they set up in Daredevil season 2.

This is the kind of complaint I keep seeing about super hero movies that feels like people only remember the most recent super films and forget things like 6 months away.

See I never had a problem with Road Runner, Chuck Jones was smart (also he hated Tweety/Jerry) and set up rules for those cartoons that stated that Road Runner could never directly attack or hurt or manipulate Wiley, all road runner did was run, Wiley was always the victim of his own plans going wrong. Like yeah you

It isn't in anyway reasonable for me to wait 3 months to get a movie in Australia when I can download a camrip the day after it gets released. There is literally no justification for it. It doesn't take 3 months to ship a hardrive to Australia, I work in freight and can have something to America tomorrow if I need it.

Id rather be bored then infuriated by that fucking jack ass Jerry. Those cartoons made me actually angry.

Didn't everyone love Monsters University? (I didn't see it but the reaction seemed pretty positive)

I'm pretty sure he only played chewie in a couple of scenes in force awakens and they have a new dude playing him for most of it since he can barely walk anymore.

you know what, no fuck the original Tom and Jerry. I loathed that show, same as Sylvester and Tweety.

John McClane vs whatever Liam Neeson's Taken charecter is called.

does it really count as white washing if their not meant to be the same characters at all? I mean Power Rangers wasn't trying to tell the same story as Zyuranger at all, it was it's own story with it's own characters and shit. It didn't change any of the Zyuranger charecters into white people for Power Rangers cause

How is adding more diversity to the main cast white washing?

Man I remember loving that game as a kid, then I played it in the rare collection for xbone. WOW that game is a piece of shit. It's borderline fucking unplayable now.

I honestly have no real feelings about Belushi one way or the other. I think Blues Brothers might be the only movie I've seen him in (Also haven't seen Animal House) so I don't know what he's usually like sorry.

Those look more like big bad beetleborgs then power rangers

"The point I was making was that you said "it's not their fault it's popular" but they definitely did what they could to maximise it having as wide appeal as possible. "

I love the movie but I honestly don't think it's that good as a commedy. Like it's no where near as fun as the best commedies, instead it's just a really good adventure type movie, the combination of teh commedy, the crazy car shit, and the blues music makes it into something greater then the sum of it's parts ya know.