
I didn't see it till like 2 years ago, It's fucking awesome.

He is a super villian in the comics but the one we got in the movie doesn't really share that much in common with the villian bar the name (See also the boat captain Cap fights in Cap 2 who is actually a super villian named Batroc the Leaper)

If someone had the plans to make content go viral every marketing man in the world would be beating down there doors to get it. As for the defence of his content, I don't like it. I'mt not going to defend it I think the Cinema Sins videos are boring. My point is more about people like the person that made the video in

crowdfunding is fine as long as you treat it like what it is and not a pre-order for a guarnteed game. You're putting money towards something that you want to exist, not pre-ordering something that does exist.
I've crowd funded a bunch of stuff but I treat it like donating to a charity. You don't give 20 bucks to

Yeah it's creepy but… duh. It's Woody Allen.

If his videos haven't changed since the first one, unless he was a freaky genius and nailed how to make something go viral and successful on day 1, it seems more like he made something he wanted to make that just happened to resonate on a level that people wanted to see it.

Taskmasters entire thing in his early run is that he worked on the sly. He couldn't fight on an even playing field with most of the supers, so he just… didn't. He started his whole 'training goons for other villians' operation to get rich, and when the avengers or whatever rocked up, he would fight them as much as he

oh, then it's probably all the super cancer it's giving you.

I'm kinda surprised how many extras and shit he got for his short film. I mean the CG was obviously budget but it looked pretty good, and that explosion at the end was seriously legit looking.

John Murphy's In the house In a Heartbeat. From a WAY better scene in 28 days later then in Kick Ass, honestly I think using that song is cheating cause anything is amazing with that fucking song behind it.

I think corpse bride tried too hard from Henry Sellick's whimsy and failed.

Who the fuck is Dr Drew?

I wish I could share your confidence it would be funny, but man that trailer made it hard to keep that confidence up.

Monopoly was never cool….

jesus I keep forgetting that movie exists… maybe that's for the best?

Barry Levinson had a fully CG charecter in young sherlock holmes 4 years before the Abyss.

Man I had to look up what you're talking about cause I've only ever seen it titled Pirahanas 2: the Spawning.

Piranhas 2: The Spawning would like you to go fuck yourself.

Eh monster island is really just name, it's actually a peninsula.