
Because energy drinks not only have a shit tonne of caffine, they have a shit tone of sugar too.

I pulled out my phone and started watching it at my grandmas funeral…. most people seemed to think that was the wrong time.

I honestly haven't seen anyone legitimately thinking he was a pedophile, just a scum bag piece of shit.

Yeah it really says something when 'racist old man fucking his friends wife' is the good guy in this situation.

I think for it to Streisand effect everyone would have to not know about it already, and fucking everyone that cares knows by now. It's already cost him his career and his legacy in the WWE.

Dan Akroyd is the worst thing to happen to classic Dan Akroyd movies.

Well they did in that one show, it was the multi cam sitcom with a bunch of loveable people hanging out and being awesome together. You know, Happy Endings? It was great.

can we get Taskmaster as well? Cause fuck yes.

Remember this is Bucky though, Bucky is the one that used to save Steves arse from bullies beating the shit out of him, the only guy that ever looked out for pre-cap Steve.

He wasn't really giving Tony shit, just trying to keep Bucky alive from his friend wearing a walking tank batltesuit.

I figured that was kinda the point, Tony's a dick.

I just wanted 'wow you kiss like your aunt'

I don't even think it's right to call Zemo the antagonist for the movie, he sets everything in motion then lets it all play out.

That's literally the catalyst for teh comics version of Civil War and cap doesn't sign up. (Though the comics civil war is way way dumber so you would probbably be best to just ignore it)

Taskmaster is literally an Avengers villian, in his first appearence he fought both Cap and Ironman to a standstill at the same time. Then peaced the fuck out. He took out 3 giant people (Giant Man, Giantess and…. I wanna say Goliath?) with a single shield throw. Dude is easily up to fighting the movie verse avengers.

It's actually more of a cap movie then you'd think from the trailers. With one huge exception the only time you see Tony is when he's interacting with Cap for example.

Yeah I actually really liked Zemo, he wasn't a major charecter in the film (I would barely even call him the antagonist, more the instigator?) but apart from Loki he's easily the best villian that marvel have done.

Oh I remember all of it, it was amazing, it's like watching the movie Glitter, a glorious train wreck of baffling decisions playing out before you.

'Best version of Superman ever put onscreen'
Oh god as a superman fan that fucking hurts…. but it's not far off the truth.

I didn't see Sunshine till after I'd heard he was cap and untill I saw that movie I thought it was bullshit casting, after I saw it though I was like 'yeah no he's perfect'