
I think Stewart as Xavier is so good it's almost cheating. Like I pictured Xavier in my head as Stewart back when I was watching Next Gen.

World wide release dates were never a thing for anything but like 1% of movies. We still get like 90% of shit way way later then everyone else. And I'm not even talking small films, Zootopia was weeks late, Kung Fu Panda 3 was fucking 3 months late. If you want to see an actual small movie then you can be waiting up

It does more justice to what makes comics fun and exciting then the actual civil war comics did.

It'll only really take 10 minutes to see what the government was doing at the time this shit was written for people to figure out what was going on.

God thsi movie turned me on for more Black Panther more then pretty much anything else has. I allready knew I loved the rest of the charecters but I've been pretty lukewarm on Panther from comics (The dumb fucking god moding he was pulling in the 2000's didn't help, putting silver surfer in a sleeperlock? Fuck you)

"According to those AMAZING comics"

The airport fight is hands down the best super powered brawl I've seen in a movie. Nothing else even comes close.

The product was shallow with or without the added themes, if we're going to accept that these products are nothing but manifestations of corporate greed as entertainment, then it doesn't hurt them to be more inclusive manifestations of corporate greed as entertainment.

youre ageisim disgusts me

Ok on top of the normal reasons (Most writers for this stuff see hetrosexuality as the default and wouldn't think to include homosexual couples without them either being there for the point of them being there or without outside interference, if these ideas are pushed on writers (but not forced) it tends to open them

Unless the point of the world is that their not inclusive, Why should they not be?

Also man, if we get a brand new gay couple that get to smooch in Rebels before KANAN AND HERRA EVER FUCKING KISS THAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR FOR TWO FUCKING SEASONS! I'm gonna be cut.

Man I grew up outside of America, in my childhood that word wasn't so much negative or positive so much as it was just absent. I think when I started listening to american hip-hop was my first real exposure to it.

I remember I hated the main chick in this as a kid, cause man stop harshing on Nancy's buzz, Nancy is rad, do what Nancy does.

How is it weird that Australia is into country? Have you seen Australia? We're like 95% farms. I grew up with kids taking weeks off of school cause they were going on muster. Growing up in the outback 'cowboy' wasn't something you played or watched movies about. It was just a job that Mick did.
Our two most famous folk

you realise that some people actually live outside the US right and as such the super bowl means jack shit?

I know single ladies and that's about it.
Side note, the instrumental for Single Ladies is this amazingly weird disonant almost horror music type shit. It's amazing.

wait how are they human "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away" So it's in the past and galaxies away. So it can't be any kind of future humanity colonised space and forgot about our past deal.
How is it possible for them to be human? I always assumed it was just human like aliens.

well zootopia was explicitley all mammals, so like, people into reptiles or shit I guess? Scaleys?

I think Rebels would have a lot harder time getting gay characters into it though being a cartoon on TV. Korra only managed to sneak it in the literal last shot of the show, and I'm honestly shocked that Steven Universe is allowed to go unmolested as much as it does.