
didn't she kiss him?

yeah 'black dude under the storm trooper costume' is kind of the literal plot to Episode 7.

The person I was responding to posted a spoiler warning, I figured that covered responses too.

"It's kind of reductive generational narcissism."
He says, reducitvely generalizing an entire generation.

I struggle to recall even a single moment of it fullstop. I think he had a phone in his hand or something? And Bryan Cranston yelled at Colin Farrel in the rain. That's essentially my entire memory of it.

man I wasn't even wary of the original based on it being a remake, untill I saw the trailer. That trailer did an amazing job to unsell me on the fucking thing.

I spent like 20 minutes the other day struggling to remember what that other shitty movie Bryan Cranston was in before finally imdbing it and remembering Total Recall remake existed.
I saw it at the cinema and I completely forgot it even existed, it's easily one of the most forgettable movies I've ever seen.
Like how

Wow that's some cheap looking flash like animation it's got there…

No doubt there's a big MRA component to the wide spread hatred of the movie, cause yeah it's been going on since the day it got announced. And I get people having a reaction like this article before the trailer came out because the people bitching about the movie were almost exclusively complete shit heels that

Tron Legacy
That movie… isn't great. But man at the movies, with hands down some of the best use of 3D in a movie, and that fucking daft punk soundtrack playing so loud it shakes your bones with the bass.

Honestly I think this looks worse then Robocop remake. The Robocop remake was just that kind of bland, forgettable modern remake (see Total Recall) Like it's by no means a good movie, but it's the kind of movie you forget about after like a week and it leaves no impression on you one way or the other.

how is it not, I think the movie looks shit, so do a bunch of people acting like absolute cock spanks. I'm not actively denouncing the people for being absolute cock spanks cause I think that should be fucking self evident for anyone with a shred of human empathy. And because I'm not constantly denouncing them I'm

That's basically the same argument that Moderate muslims need to speak out against Extremist mulsims more, and it's just as bullshit here as it is there.

So wait are we still assuming that everyone that thinks this looks crap is thinking that cause their angry nerds that don't like women and not cause… that trailer was fucking awful?

"It's a black american album" not a black album. The experience of Black Americans is not universal to all people with black skin.

His son isn't a part of Planet Hulk. It's a shitty spin off that I pretend never existed.

Just having a quick look through the special guests for 2016's comicon. And uh… it seems to be mainly comics people.
Jim Lee, Matt Fraction, JMS, Peter David, Jeff Smith, Sergio Argones etc etc.

Doesn't deadpool basically only exist cause of leaked test footage got positive word of mouth?

yeah I'm not gonna front, I started crying.