
I think that was kind of the point though, up untill mass effect 3 Shepard was in a situation where she might be able to succeed but could fuck up, by the time ME 3 came around the Reapers had stopped fucking around, the situation had escelated to being a no win situation, as bad as the ending is it rams home the

Well by the time you meet him, there all dead. So he wasn't doing a good job….

It's actually concidental rather then symbioloic, Shepard is named after Alan Shepard, the first American in space

this is FAR less uneven then Dust though

It's as much a life style choice as being a swinger or something, and those are generally accepted as being 'lifestyles' rather then 'fetishes'

I think that kind of fail forward only works in a very specific context of game, some games need to punish death to make you get better at the game and overcome the challenges otherwise the entire purpose of the game is defeated.

Thats the exact reason I sent thane threw the vents…. he dead.

the problem is games aren't dungeons and dragons, a DM can react on the fly to what their players are doing and write the next weeks scenario based ont he actions in the previous week. A game has to be done 100% completed before anyone ever gets to play it. So instead of your players going to a bar and chatting up a

cast her as everything in the movie, the men, the women, the angels, the demons, the cars, the buildings, the seats, the lamp posts, the ground, the sky. Just make it a never ending infinity of Tilda Swinton.

why do they keep releasing these rad homage shoes to films in such limited numbers is what I want to know? Like do they think they would not sell otherwise?

Ok in general I agree with your point but Wrestling? Wrestling is looked down on a lot.

Post Script:
You really shouldn't read Harry Knowles old reviews.

I'm honestly just kind of taken aback that we're living in a world where people are upset that Tilda Swinton is getting cast in things. She could be cast as fucking Black Panther and it would still be amazing.

except people lost there absolute shit over Mandarin when IM3 came out too.

Your first paragraph and your last pargraph directly contradict eachother.

the seedyness doesn't even come from there music (I honestly haven't listened to much of it) just there general persona and the lead singer has that look like he's made of solid STD's covered in human skin.

"If there was ever a term that truly earned its knee-jerk revulsion, it's SJW."

gay people?

If you think social justice warrior came from the MRA community you're an idiot, it was mainly used by social progressives on tumblr who were trying to actually have rational discussions on important issues that were getting flooded by 16 yearolds who were still trying to figure out who they were and latched onto

It's not that people want matt to stop being daredevil (The show would suck then) It's that people can see that Matt is being a giant fucking cockstack to his friends because he is Daredevil.