
If Matt hadn't been there, Elektra would have killed Stick, then joined The Hand as 'the black sky' and done…. whatever vague end of the world shit they were talking about.

To be fair I was watching this with a clan of secret post-mortal ninja assassins and they just spent the entire time bitching about it, like saying there outfits were all wrong, and that's a dumb way to assault a hospital, and that real brainwashed pyschic warrior death kids know that you just wait till you're

I saw it (The rooftop scene) functioning kind of like a test, like his this dude legitimately a good person or is he just a scumbag with delusions of moral superiority. (Letting him kill Grotto would be the good person, killing Frank would prove that Daredevil isn't a good person)
I think it works with the (Implied)

The origin I heard for the black suited ninjas is super cool. (I don't have any sources to back this up though)
Apparently back in the day in japan doing Kabuki plays, they had all teh stage hands and shit dressed completely in black, so as they kind of blended into the background and you knew that 'these aren't

I don't know if this is me taking comic knowledge into it or not but the punisher wanting Matt to not kill worked for me, in the previous episode he was trying to convince Matt to kill but Matt proved that he isn't a killer, he isn't like Frank. Frank accepted that and sees Matt as an actual good person (he doesn't

entirely different show runners and everything so I wouldn't be too worried about this being indicative of Iron Fist.

I think that probbably helps, but the fact that he was the lead in Speed and The Matrix that made roughly all the money in the world has a big part in it. Hell even fucking The Day the earth Stood Still, a movie that I forgot even existed in spite of the fact I saw it at the movies, made like 200 million on an 80

well he donated most of his fee from the matrix to the special effects artist and stunt teams since he thought they did more work then him instead of… I guess donating it to charity?

This is my faviourte news story and makes me love Keanu Reeves jsut a little bit more.

They are, it was originally anounced as a mobile game and then part way through development suddenly turned into a Vita game after Sony through what I'm guessing was ALL the money at them.

I fucking love my Vita, I knwo most of the games I could play on it I could also play on the pc, but I love me some portable indie platformers. and get kind of grumpy at all teh indie games that don't come to either it or the 3DS cause I know I'm just never going to play em.

It's not modern twitch game design at all, it's more similar to like old megaman NES games.

I loved them, the game was kind of a cake walk for most of it, but those bits really pushed your ability in ways that I just adored.

Oh mane I've been hyped for this for ages, Drinkbox are one of the few studios that I will buy anything they make. There shit is just fantastic.

Ya know I've never read anything about the Chillie Peppers sexually assaulting someone before this, but I always just kind of assumed they had? Like it was just a blanket assumption that 'yeah of course they have, there seedy as fuck'

Then why would they be acting nothing like the Hand? The hand (As we've seen them so far) pretty much are always ninjas in combat, even when Nobu was pretending to not be the Hand, when he actually got ready to throw down with Matt went full Ninja, they hide there heartbeat and make no noise, use ancient weapons like

that was mainly a joke, the biker dudes were yakuza though retaliating for Elektra hacking into the accounts with her weird magic pen.

nah they were yakuza, I'm not sure the hand even have an 'out of uniform'

its his super power, anyone he shoots is guilty, he physically can't shoot an innocent person, if he kills an innocent the world will retroactively change the past to make that person guilty.

honestly I don't have a problem with that, his armour isn't super distinctive bright red like it is in the comics, without the mask he just looks like a dude wearing motocross armour or something. Chuck a jacket over him or something and no one would really pay much attention.