
Also he's wearing a little fucking do rag, that's the best

This weekend is all about Dark Souls 3. Just beat the fucking Abyss Watchers last night and that boss fight is FUCKING INCREDBILE. Easily the best boss fight in a DS game.

I'm kind of in the same boat and I think him taking all his music off the internet contributed a big part of it. Like I wasn't into Bowie growing up but as an adult I looked into his stuff listening to Major Tom on youtube and discovered his stuff through that and became a big fan. But there was never really that

Honestly kind of nothing, when I was old enough to get into music, most music I consumed was through streaming services and the internet. Prince actively removed himself from that entire music ecosystem, so I never really got into him.

Seriosuly that cat is cuter then anything has the right to be, what the fuck. I love my cats and their adorable but they are garbage comapred to that kitten.

The thing is people proved they are into that, cause Interstellar made like 600 million dollars. That's a movie template you could copy and paste onto Fantastic Four, with a bit more levity. That sense of exploration and wonder at the unvierse is exactly the kind of shit that a fantastic four movie needs. And it's

Man Clairs 'no fuck you stop being stupid' speech on the roof was amazing, I love how it builds up all this melodrama and makes it all seem like the most important shit in the world, then Clair strolls in and is like 'what… no fuck you that's dumb stop being dumb'

I don't know that seems kinda reductive. Like it's progressive sure, but that's not why it's good. It's good because it's well written, the charecters are likeable, the plot is interesting, the art is gorgeous, the music is fantastic, the voice performances are great, etc etc.

we're talking about getting people to see a movie about people exploring space and having fun, not fund actual space exploration.

You just name dropped a famous pop culture astrophysicist to argue that people don't care about space , I'd argue the fact that someone can become a famous pop culture astrophysicist in the first place kinda contradicts that. If people didn't care about space then people wouldn't give a shit about Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

would you say the over use is problematic? Or unfortunate?

See I think what teh comics are doing now vs how successful a movie could be is almost unrelated. Look at where Ironman was in the comics when the movie came out. He was still dealing with the clusterfuck that was left over from Civil War and getting a memory wipe or… some shit? (God I stoped paying attention) but

It was the first time I'd seen him as not a smug cocky arsehole, like when I first heard he was gonna be cap my knowledge of him was not another teen movie and Fantastic Four, and I thought 'wow… that's awful casting' then I saw that and was like 'wait no… he's really good that's perfect'

I disagree, they didn't endure for this long because of cold war/space zeitgiest shit. Like that may have been their launching pad sure. But if that was all there was the comic would have stopped like 20-30 years ago. I mean I grew up in the 90's long after that was all pretty much over and they were my absolute

I really don't think his Johnny Storm was a good push for him being Cap, his role as the soldier in Sunshine though, that instantly convinced me he was right for it,.

Mads is allready in the MCU as… dormamamu maybe? He's one of the villians in Strange.

If you were talking about a new original franchise? Sure, if you're talking about the fucking fantastic four? No that's dumb. Get the fuck out with your cronenberg shit. The fantastic four are allready a thing, theyve been around for over 60 years at this point and have a lot of people that love them for what they

"Batman Begins and Trank’s Fantastic Four both take beloved entities that had devolved into silly, broad comic-book nonsense and tried to remake them as serious films. "
That's kinda the core of the problem, people like Batman comics cause there brooding and self reflective heros with dark and serious problems, People

See this is why you have restraining orders out against you.

I'm pretty sure that's actually how they make their living though.