
… what else would you call the room with your tv in?

Yeah I'd actually gotten kinda pissy at the credits in the episode with Elektra appearing cause it had Elodie Young's name in it and I was like 'oh so Elektras gonna be in this episode' so I'd intentionally stopped looking at the screen during the credits, then I saw that at the end and it was just like 'you were

I don't think comparing people googling shows around when they bomb is a fair measure of how many people are watching it. Half those people are probbably googling it around that time to figure out when the fucking episodes are going to air.

oh I don't doubt it's a great comic, I mean it's nominated for an Eisner. But that name is just… wow…

Mouse Guard: Legend of the Guard is one of the worst names for anything I've ever heard.

But do they actually watch the movies there judging on? I feel with less people it would be easier to enforce the rules.

But they literally changed the charecters physical features in the genderbent episodes of Adventure time…. That's canon.

I feel like there's a joke to be made here about how their both screaming incoherent nonsense, but I can't find it.

What…. in the actual fuck….

I could have sworn there were interviews around the time return of the king came out that was him straight up saying he never wanted to do this shit again (Like in an "I loved it but god never again") kind of way.

To be fair, this one is done by Duncan Jones who desperatley wanted to make this movie, not by Peter Jackson begrudgingly making a movie he explictley didn't want to make.

oh god it's a living nightmare.

I didn't think anything was going to be able to top the joke about the bag made from internet cats from the trailer. But I fucking lost my shit at that. Like legit had to pause the show till I stopped laughing, then grab my wife and drag her into the lounge and make her watch it.

I had to pause the episode to google if he really did straight after that poster showed up.

I'm not sure what's worse, going to a secret limp bizkit show only to find out it's not on, or going to a secret limp bizkit show and finding out it is on.

final episode of the first season was when it was confirmed (In the most fucking amazing way), so it's been known for a while.

only problem with the show is the god awful way Cartoon Network are releasing it. Like can we just have actual fucking seasons with an episode a week, not like 6 month breaks between a week full of 10 episodes. It's fucking insane.

so it's the 80's to the 2000's again?

Yeah it fails as a redesign because without a caption there is nothing to tell you that's Rita Repulsa. It's just… a weird evil lady. They didn't even keep her colour scheme.

First rule of a charecter redesign
Establish what elements of a charecter are iconic and identify them as THAT charecter, then make sure you keep those elements while changing the rest.