
Considering how completely irrelivent to everything ever Darth Maul was I'm not sure the 'darth' title really holds that much significance.

honestly I feel like Kahn being whitewashed was the least of that movies problems…

I'm so dissapoitned that they didn't advertise this as staring Oscar Winner Kevin Spacey and Oscar Winner Christopher Walken.

cause grumpy cats a girl?

I watched like 10 minutes of the first episode and it seemed really bad.

Gears of war (At least up untill we see whats going down in 4) is literally once. The entire thing is a single war. Locusts showed up on emergence day and the cogs have been fighting them, Gears 1,2,3 is all the same conflict with the conclusions being the end of the war.

So much of DS 2 felt like it was specifically designed as a fuck you to people who played DS 1, I went through all of DS 1 hitting every chest I opened first, then in DS 2 you do that and destroy teh chest and whatever was in it.

The game you want has been made, it's called dark souls 1.

Trick to killing the birds is to run up to them and spam attacks as they transform. I was usually able to if not kill them out right, get them downt o the point that one hit would kill them after they transformed.

Different areas handle it differently, some better then others, some… much much worse.

I think D'Noffrio as Kingpin is pretty definitive, Them casting Spader as Ultron made me realised I've been reading Ultron with Spaders voice ever since Boston Legal. Hiddleston as Loki is defeintly definitive. You might have some wiggle room with Hemsworth (Thought that might be more to do with him being stuck in bad

The design was weird, I think it actually looked cool when he was in the straight jacket with the super long sleeves in the first episode but when he got the suit and shit it just looked fucking stupid. I really love that voice though. Hammil is great don't get me wrong, but how KMR can just hit that really deep

Arnie was your second pick though… right? Right?….

I think the one movie that did 3D really well that had no narrative purpose was step up 3D. Those movies are dumb as shit and the entire point of them is just spectacle of the dance, and the 3D really helped with that.

See that shit is obviously bad but I kind of expected a certain level fo casual mysogeny from a movie from the 60's. Holding down a woman and raping her is kind of a huge leap from that and I wasn't at all prepared.

They only started eating pizza after they marathoned a whole bunch of Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles and it finally convinced there master to relent on the whole 'no junk food' thing because they made the pizza look REALLY fucking good.

oh god ther eis too… fuuuuuuck

I know it's a parrody role, but Carry Ewlles will forever be Robin Hood to me. It rekon he could have nailed a serious version of him too.

There have been a couple, Natalie Portman was just… fine as Jane I guess, but lacked chemistry with Hemsworth wich is bad when you're the fucking love interest. Norton wasn't actually great as Banner (Though hearing about that casting before seeing the movie I thought that was a shoe in for best shit ever) They guy

I'm gonna pick the odd duck here and say Kevin Michael Richardsons voice work for the Joker in The Batman is my faviourte. That show might not be the best but his voice as the Joker is fucking amazing. It's able to hit those depths that make it just sound fantastic.