
I don't give a shit who the dude before her was, I can't even remember his name, I can't be bothered to look up the dude that replaced her after skyfall, you know why, CAUSE HE ISN'T JUDY MOTHER FUCKING DENCH.

I feel like he's the most charming charismatic one, he's also the one that most sells to me the kind of aristocraticness of it. Like Bond has always supposed to be the whole tuxedo classy mother fucker that is just way classier then anyone else alive, and Brosnan is the one who I think best pulls off that sense of

Goldfinger was my faviourte Bond movie and I'd completely forgotten that untill rewatching them, like I remembered he got with Pussy Galore but I had completely forgotten that by 'bond got with her' it meant 'bond held her down and raped her while she protested against it' cause… holy fuck.

With Spiderman in the title or that feature the charecter Spiderman, cause he's been in at LEAST one a month since 1962. But more often he's in like 4 or 5 each month with different universes and guest appearences and shit.

I feel like, you could put most of the Marvel cinematic universe in this. They have been so consistently amazing with their casting, and it feels like that's a HUGE reason for their success.
RDJ as Tony Stark
Chris Evans as Cap
Hemsworth as Thor
Patt as Starlord
Hiddleston as Loki
etc etc, there Netflix shows are continuing

Honestly Hopkins isn't even one I would choose, but he's just such a common pick for these kinds of lists I'm surprised to see him excluded.

I feel like charecters specifically written for that actor is unfair.

Yeah but it also has Halle Berry as Storm so… yeah.
Also I feel like Patrick Stewart as Prof X is cheating, he was the definitive Prof X before he'd even played him. Like back in Next Gen he was allready who I pictured Prof X as in my mind.

One thing I think makes Kevin Conroys Batman so much superior to pretty much any film version is that he's not a constant fucking downer. We've only had either All gloom all the time or… batman and Robin in films. But Batman TAS and Justice Leauge Batman have that kind of glooming broodiness, but also appreciates

God it's… just so fucking good. I love spectacular spiderman so much. That fight in the sewers with the opera music is just a fucking masterpiece.

god rewatching those films I was agape at how much just… rape… he does. Like people always laugh that old timey mysogeny and sean connory is an awful person but man… he straight up rapes 2 women in those films.

I think Pierce Brosnan is the best bond for my money, not the best Bond films by a long shot but the best actual Bond.

I like to imagine at that point you just wordlessly stood up and walked away, never to see that person again.

Really, no one said Anthony Hopkins's Hannibal Lecter? That kinda surprises me.

Ok I love the clickhole, but posting clickhole shit as a 'great job internet' when there owned by the same people as you seems… scummy.

Aww man, for a little bit my lack of knowledge of America let me believe that was an awesome crossover moment.

I don't think it's so much he lost the ability, as it is he stopped caring. He basicaly only makes movies these days to fund his obbsession with deep sea exploration, where as back in T2/Aliens etc he just liked making movies.

Did you see Tron? that actually did some cool things with 3D. Everything in the real world had no 3D at all, and everything in the computer was 3D.

Step Up 3D is the only way to watch that film.

To be fair, if you have any knowledge of any other thing the show delves into it's equally as absurd. The medical stuff with Clair is dumb, how Matt fights is stupid and impractical and should get him killed, How the newspaper works with Karen is stupid, hell I'm sure there's a clan of Ninja's sitting around watching