
I really fucking appreciate how much they were able to hide the Fisk reveal and the fact that the internet just as a whole seemed to not mention it at all till I got up to this episode.

The ninjas are straight immortal though, the goons he threw down a fucking stair case hanging from a chain when he was defending punisher though. Those fuckers are dead as shit.

Best thing about that fight scene is I could fucking see what was going on cause there were actual fucking lights.

I love foggy on the show, he's what stops the show from just turning into Batman, where Bruce Wayne is an afterthought and nothing he does matters because it's all Batman all the time. With Matt having Foggy (And to a lesser extent Karren) there is actual conflict between Daredevil and Matt Murdock.
Without that it's

I lost my fucking shit at that. I really appreciate that they kept the 'guest starring Vincen DeNofrio" thing to the very end of the episode.

oh fuck. OH FUCK
Justice is Blind, Matt is a lawyer and a Vigilante, Matt is Blind.

She bitches out her assistant for that and he says that all the names were blacked out and the records are still classified.

I wouldn't call it inconsistent, he sees Elektra as kind of a surrogate daughter as well as a soldier and a potential black sky.
When he's treating her, she's still loyal to him, it's him looking after his daughter/loyal soldier. Wich means she's still part of the Chaste and an ally and all that shit.

Isn't the point of the timeline that it is complete bullshit and isn't usual? The DA wanted to fuck over Nelson and Murdocks attempt at building a defense or anything so she pulled some shady shit to make sure they couldn't.

It was the dogs of hell that he apparently murderd in Delaware. And there was an episode of shield where a crazy Asguardian showed up and mind controlled a bunch of Dogs of Hell dudes who then presumably died and got covered up by Shiled, but I can't remember if that episode took place in Delaware (I don't know

In defence of snow white and the huntsman, it was directed really well, the shit with Charliez Theron was almost all fantastic. It was just Kirsten Stewart being a downer and a pretty average script that made it suck.

I hope you stick with it, I had a mate hassling me for ages to play DS1 because it was amazing and I kept thinking he was crazy, but once you do get it, it's unlike anything else.
Just a fair warning, there's a lot of like crucial game systems taht aren't explained even a little in the actual game (Like hollowing and

Yeah the first couple of times I fought Capra demon I didn't even know what happened, stepped inside and died straight up. When I figured out that you just dodge as soon as you get in he was pretty easy.

Like I said, that's fully fair enough and I don't blame people for not getting into the games, it takes a very specific kind of person to really dig into them. I've actively told my mates 'don't buy this game' because you need to A: have the paitence to do them and B: Have the time.

Oh shit Bo Burnhams What was fucking incredible, can't wait to see what he has next.

Theres a thing with dark souls, that I think a lot of people don't get the first time they play one (I sure as fuck didn't, I quit the first game more times then I can count, to the point where I had to actually scroll off the screen to load the charecter I finally beat the game with)

wait is there an anime for 3? I thought only 4 got one?

Is there really a difference between watching and playing a telltale game?

depends what part of Aus you're from, AFL is more kick based, Rugby is more hand based. I'm a Queenslander so fuck those AFL fans.

I really did like the charecters and story, and while I wouldn't say turn based RPG's are my faviourte thing I don't not like them or anything. The worst thing to me was just the randomly generated dungeons. There's literally nothing going on in tartarus, it's just the same mindless shit with no end in sight, no