
Push the paper together, if it sticks keep wiping. Atleast that was the method I was told about.

Matt's acting like an addict, but he's also not really repenting at all? Again I don't know much about catholocisim, but I imagine like a junkie that's all like 'man I love meth, I can't wait to get out and do more meth, meth is the best, I'm gonna sell my baby so I can buy more meth' wouldn't be forgiven vs a junkie

If it looks like Inception for more then 10 minutes that inception actually looked like inception then cool.

Considering the amount of open secrets about horrible sex shit going on in holywood, this probably doesn't even register as a terrible negative thing. I mean at least they aren't being invited to Bryan Singers underage sex parties.

I watched like 3 episodes of Lost, I have no idea who you're talking about. I don't remember anyone being awful in Antman though?

thats fair enough.

So I guess the priest would be well within his rights to tell Matt to go fuck himself if he wants to repents the sins he commits as daredevil and then go out and do em again the next night.

Fantastic Four is fox not Sony, so wouldn't it be over there?
Man if it was Sony they might have given up again and let Marvel do it like their doing with Spidey, fuck I want a good Fantastic Four movie…

If you think people looking up free porn online are going to be hassled by closing down a pop up window then you obviously haven't looked up much free porn online. They'd be thankful it didn't open in a new chrome window with an auto playing video about a dude explaining how you can become rich from his pyramid scheme.

Well A: It's not pornhub, and B: It's not a message that shows up when you try and view Gay/Trans porn.
It's a message that shows up to anyone in the state who is trying to access porn from xHamster, Which means anyone trying to view porn is going to be confronted with the fact that people in there state like

Didn't blu-ray win out over HDDVD for porn?

Let me know how that 14th birthday goes champ.

Ok I don't know much about catholocisim, but aren't there things that they don't forgive? Or is it just straight up 'you raped a kitten to death infront of the little girl that owned it before killing and eating her, you're forgiven by god'

I still can't see Eric Banna as anyone but Poida from Full Frontal.

Honestly I'm so far beyond trusting Marvels casting at this point, I can't think of anyone they've seriously mis-cast, and the large majority of their casting is just fucking amazing. Some of their movies have been less then great, but with probbably the exception of Natalie Portman in Thor I don't think any would be

I actually like the wire work, a good fight scene should tell you about the charecters. It helps set the Ninjas apart from typical street thugs and normal people. Their almost super human and move completely differently. They also tend to drop all the foley work for the ninjas like footsteps and shit making them

Claire isn't really an option, she wants nothing to do with him cause he's you know… a fucking crazy person.

wouldn't he kind of have to admit he's daredevil to do that though?

In Matt's defense, the marvel universe has literal mole people that might get a bit upset at the 40 story hole.

yeah I only took it the obvious way (Languagse)