
I'll join the Foggy fanclub, he's a great charecter and I really love how the show portrays him. I've loved him calling Matt on his shit that he really deserves.

Is it weird that I count fucking your best friends wife as worse then being the Punisher?
One is being a bad person and killing people and shit yeah, but the other is a betrayal on a personal level. And that just strikes me as worse.

She wants to jump on Matts billy club but I've never really read her as having the hots for anyone else.

Spoilers for the rest of the series.


Disney have Star Wars AND Marvel, as well as you know, Disney they could go multiple zero ticket, catastrophic losses movies before going Bankrupt.

Well the entire point of Poe was to kill him in the Tie crash, but they liked his chemistry with John Boyega so much they decided to keep him.

There is a jack russel wrestling movie, called Russle Mania, I found it last night on Netflix and you haven't lived till you've watched a huge wrestler bodyslam a jack russel.

"Some guys" wich guys aren't?….

I remember David Hyde Pierce stepped down from voicing Abe in Hellboy 2 cause he thought Doug Jones was doing a fantastic job voicing him in costume and he wanted Jones to get the recognition he deserved, He seems like a fucking great human being.

yeah… but he's right.

7th heaven… we're looking at you.

Pfft, no one would take him seriously, why even bother? He'd just run and get laughed out trying to sell a book or something.

I keep forgetting that there was a movie named Creed and am expecting WITH ARMS WIDE OPEN! shit.

Didn't Hellen Mirriam say she wants to be in a fast and the furious movie? Why the fuck have they not cast her?

but he wasn't driving.

Jai Courtney was great in Spartacus though, he's sucked in everything else but he obviously has something.

According to wiki he was Gomez was his nephew and Morticia was his niece…. are gomez and morticia brother and sister? What in the actual fuck?

You for assuming I'm american?