
I figured it would be illegal to show to anyone sex tapes.

"Besides that, punishing people for things they might do is apparently a bad thing,"
No shit, Giles was being bad when he killed Ben, he explicitly calls himself out for being a bad person when he does it. He says Buffy is a hero and he isn't. And that's why he's the one to kill Ben. Because he's not a hero, he's a bad

There's a 'Goon' movie and as fantastic as it is it's got nothing on 'The Goon'

Because Dawn didn't keep turning into a psychopathic god and killing people? He was doing it in a 'what needs to be done' fashion because if he didn't, Ben would go back to being Glory and kill Buffy, or Buffy would end up having to kill Ben.
What is your alternative that Giles should have done here? Let Ben go, then

I haven't watched True Detective so… yes?

That's kind of the point though, he allready sees himself as a bad guy because of his ripper days that he's not seeing it as a 'good guy killing a bad guy' he's seeing it as a 'badguy killing a worse guy'

Wasn't the point of the Giles snuffing Ben thing that Giles didn't consider himself a 'good guy' and he wanted to prevent Buffy from having to make that choice so she could stay morally good.

I think he's part of the Fantastic Four licence so they can't use him.

I still refuse to learn anything about Rock me Amadeus, Rock me Dr Zaeus is the perfect version of that song and anything else would just taint it.

holy shit that's spot on.

"Ophelia, by the way, is meant to be Fester’s biological niece." Isn't uncle fester gomez's brother? So wouldn't that make Ophelia his sister in law?

I… I don't even know if you're kidding.

Ass is a donkey, Arse is a butt. Fuckin' seppos.

apparently those two even were like 'no wait we could do a fight scene or something!' and Abrams was just like 'yeah… nah, just get eaten by a cg monster'
Like what's the fucking point of hiring them.

No let him go into the black hole, fuck with the bookshelf etc and save the world through love and all that, but then him getting spat out in just the right place/time to be picked up by the ship is dumb. Up untill that point everything that happens in the movie happens because of people, his self sacrifice and love

I won't give X-men Origin credit for much, but Liev Schrieber as Sabertooth was fantastic,

Wesley Snipes could bareley be bothered to show up in Blade 3, I doubt he'd wanna do a cameo in a marvel movie.

Wait Gwen Stacey was in the rami Spiderman movies?

Nah that's how the GotG stayed together, they formed originally with the line up Star Lord, Groot, Mantis, Bug, Racoon, Capt Universe and Deathcry. because they were all prisoners of the Kree when Ultron took a huge chunk of space for himself in Annihilation: Conquest. They got press ganged into like a suicide squad