
I think Interstellar would be a great movie if it had finished like… 20 minutes earlier. Let whats his face go into the black hole, become a ghost etc, then he dies. The whole him popping back out into space, getting rescued, meeting his daughter, escaping with the robot etc, all just felt so… tacky? I guess. Coming

I don't think rotten tomatoes etc film criticisim has anything to do with safe blockbusters, it's all about the amount of money being poured into the films. If you're pouring 100 million dollars into a film you want to make sure it's going to make it's money back. You don't want to take risks and make 'art' you want

Marvel might fuck up the actual story around there charecters, Tony doesn't pretend Ironman is a body guard, Starlord wasn't a galaxy spanning super hero with a sentient ship first, etc etc.
But they generally get to the core of why people like the charecters in the first place and keep that. Like movie Tony might not

The only thing I'm dissapointed about the mandarin is the loss of the ten rings, and specifically their ties to Fing Fang Foom, cause I want a fucking cinematic universe Fing Fang Foom.

"IS NOT a Space Pirate or scavenger; HAS NEVER been arrested;"
As of Annihilation Conquest he was arrested, and press ganged into the new Guardians of the Galaxy after bumming around on the Kree homeworld as a scavenger type dude.

DC desperately need a Kevin Fige, someone that understands and loves their characters who is in charge of making sure there movies aren't… this.

The kickstarter was to get the movie written and a full animatic of the film done to show to investors.

Seriously the Goon is one of the most amazing fucking comics I've ever read, I put probbably way too much money into the kickstarter, I want this movie so fucking hard.

Nah they didn't want to release it to the public in case it had a negative effect on getting the movie made, there is proof of concept trailer up on youtube though.


lying naked on the floor?

Blink and you fucking miss it, he was one of the mad max rejects getting eaten on han solos ship.

It's not that he looks old, that's just, whatever. It's the massive weight loss. I usually associate that with either Christian Bale being insane or like, someone going through Chemo.

Ute, as in Utility. I think you yanks call em pick up's or something?

We got the yellow motorbike suit, and that will always be rad as fuck.

I tried watching Tarintino for an hour and a half and he just called the cops on me.

sure there is, you don't have to worry about the polish reading them because most of em can't read.

you think that's confusing, Neighbours is the name of a super long running soap opera in Australia, do you know how confusing was when the first film came out and everyone was talking about it? Imagine if the latest appatow movie was called Bold and the Beautiful or something.

oh god that fucking cardboard cutout, I absolutely lost it at that shit.