
actually reading that interview with howard stern he appears to just be eating healthier and has lost a bunch of weight, cool he needs to live forever.

god he looks awful in that photo, like 'going through chemo' unhealthy awful. I really hope he's not gonna reveal he's sick or something, I couldn't handle loosing Goodman, not the same year we lost Bowie.

He plays the best character in every show he's in simply by the virtue of being John fucking Goodman. He's one of the few actors who I will just straight up see anything their in on there name alone.

Final movie? So do we just pretend Game of Death never happend or something?

isn't there a rule that any headline that is phrased as a question can be answered no?
so uh… no I guess?

"” think Roseanne Barr and John Goodman on Roseanne"
Ok for real though, Rosanne won that one cause who the fuck wouldn't wanna be fake tv married to John fucking Goodman?

I was in the back of a ute driving round in the outback in like the mid 90's.

Funny enough, Jack Earl Haley's charecter being in little children was what started all the problems in the Nightmare on Elm st remake.

I had lots of problems with Godzilla, but they were all instantly forgiven when big G holds open the monsters mouth and fucking plasma breaths down his fucking throat. Cause that shit was god damm amazing.

Unless he was a woman struggling to get into movie voice overs and having to fight against the sexisim inherent in that system, then I seriously doubt it.

Isn't that just inception?

"but that doesn’t explain why Karen no longer considers Frank a criminal despite all evidence to the contrary. "

their not twins, it's just wincest.

Sounds amazing, I can't wait.

It's literally the reason I started watching the show. The show did not live up to it.

Marry him, then use the fact he got you to watch this shit as grounds for divorce.

Only redeemable thing about this show was the second opening that is fucking amazing, the rest of it is shit

I got up to where the main dude, and the detective go to uni together and just, no way. It was so far up it's own arse by that point I couldn't take it any longer.

It'd be more stimulating conversation then talking to fucking Squall.

like 50% of his dialouge is just '…' fucking mopey dick. Get over yourself.