
I can respect half arsing something while bludging at work. Shine on your crazy diamond.

Your problem with Pepe LePew is the french steryeotypes and not the you know… rape?

As a kid that grew up in outback Australia, I related to those fucking mice so much, man fuck doing anything when it's that hot. Fuckin chill out a bit Speedy.

I've only ever seen her in B99, holy shit that interview. I just assumed she was like April in Parks or Gina in B99 where there was no real acting there, instead… fuuuuuuuuck. Those are completely different fucking people.


god whenever I see any kind of media or interview with this man he always comes off as the most disgustingly well spoken, kind considerate person. Like in the 'he's too good to be a real person' kind of way.

The problem is that while Avengers stays true to the core of what people love about those charecters, and weather you like that or not is up to you, but those charecters have certain expectations and Avengers nails them. Batman vs Superman has charecters that also have expectations, bigger then the avengers have and

As much as it's kind of sad, why would you expect something different? Like how long has it been since Mad Magazine was anything but a sad joke? Vs Wil Wheaton who's a popular guest star in a popular show, podcaster, youtube star etc etc.

well you do shoot a lot of poor people.

Don't worry, their some of the most hilariously hammfisted ridiculousl bullshit that's ever been written, You get great commentary on racisim like 'stoning black people and forcing them into slavery is bad'

The final farewell citadel is like half / half split between combat and story as well as including the only bit where you get your entire squad on the ground in a fight not just you +2 more. the Leviathan has some crazy combat encounters and giant mech fights, Def worth it for the gameplay.

Why would you play that game and not fuck Garrus?

Except Bay does most of his effects in camera and only resorts to CG for things that are impossible to do otherwise.

"On one level, there’s Ken Loach, and on the other, it’s Michael Bay. And I worry about any technology that pushes us more toward the Bay end."
I get that random internet commentators miss out on the fact that Bay does as much stuff in camera as he can and only uses CG when it's absolutely nesecary, but other directors

As a company that's sole purpose is to make money, what's the point of owning the licences for beloved franchises if you're not going to use em?

Aww sabrina…. man first Hercules now this, maybe I should just not look up what happens to any of the actors from shows I liked growing up.

Well he was doing his own thing, when this started (wich is now cancelled) but this would have started production while he was still on wander over yonder.

I still think the best version of that reaction to someone coming out is from he died with a felefal in his hand (Wich I can't find the fucking scene on youtube so enjoy shitty live leak player)

So… is the simpsons worth watching again?

Well Kevin Sorbo was in the last one as a true believer yeah?