
This shit always makes me wonder, are the actors involved in it cause they beleive the message? Or for the pay cheque?

Shockingly good, one of my favorite animated films in a long time.

More Daredevil
It's good, what else is there to say

Jesus…. man jesus fucking christ that is some…. repulsive fucking shit.

I don't see how it's really that different to the nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki except in scale.

Hey as long as the die later in hospital or bleeding to death on the floor AFTER daredevil leaves it doesn't count.

Wow I really appreciate that extra level of needles condescension you brought to the conversation, I mean where most people are content to simply point out someones errors like James did, you really went that extra mile to belittle and talk down to a complete stranger, it's that kind of extra needless hostility that

Ok back the fuck up, The Man from Uncles nemmesis was called Thrush? Seriously? Was… was Thrush not a thing back in the 60s

Same as you no skin in the game, but man the Yay Sanders, Hillary is the devil thing is just insane. It just seems like the left has absolutely fucking doomed itself. They've been so focused on building up Sanders as opposed to Hillary that if hillary does get the nomination now people on her side actively hate her

they lock their youtube stuff off for people outside the US.

Donald Trump tiny hands is my faviourte running joke.

This sounds kind of amazing.

Yeah it wasn't even one of those 'uh t here's something in my eye' crys, no shame, just fucking, damm that was powerful shit. Like that monolouge on it's own put this episode as an A for me. It could have been 50 minutes of Matt pissing in his own mouth while hurling racial slurs and that monlouge would have still

I'm more excited for Titmouse getting a feature film rather then anything else.

Yeah it's one thing I really like that there's never a hint of 'foggy is jealous about Karren beign with Matt' he's just like 'yeah good on em'

it wasn't about letting their guard down, it was about getting em to the van, they had no idea where it was otherwise.

I watched this episode a while ago, but wasn't he actually working a bit to get out of the cuffs and shit? Like he couldnt' free himself immediatly so he was putting up with the shit till he could get out.

yeah I don't get a lot of hate for Foggy for being a downer cause, dudes fucking right most of the time, Matt's being a shitty lawyer/friend.

I have to admit I laughed when Daredevil knocks the gun out of punishers hand, and punisher goes and grabs a hammer and bends down to kill a dude with it and punisher has to stop him again like "Seriously dude… seriously?!"

I'd say as good, I don't think anything is ever going to actually top Downy/Tony