
I fucking cried at punishers monolouge, I'm not gonna deny it.

" One of the most probable reasons is *Goes on to explain a shadow conspiracy involving fake people, actors, blackmail, and some nebulous larger scheme'"

it's not an 'official' government agency, but it is. Like the President of the US is like 'yeah you guys do you and are in controll of all this stuff, but if anyone asks you're uh… not?'

the greatest pick up line will forever be bumping into someone and dropping a bunch of limes, then when she bends down to help you you keep dropping the limes, then appologise for being really bad at pick up limes.

god I feel dirty just reading about this.

ah fair enough, I marathoned all the trek series's and it all kind of blured together what was from what season (though I've still never seen enterprise, but I've been told that might be for the best)

ok I followed that all up untill 'the best way to get rich is to get your pastor rich' shouldn't you be trying to get rich yourself then?

Can they fucking start airing it like a regular damm show then? The way Steven Universe comes out is fucking crazy

Cause there's a huge stigma attached to 100% animated films that aren't entirely for kids.

"They are not as interested in faitfhullness as it might appear"
The movie has King Louie, Kaa is a villian, Sher Kahn is a physically imposing threat.

Keep in mind this movie is literally half the budget of ID4 2

In punisher max he thinks he's killed an innocent girl and is straight up ready to kill himself, the only reason he doesn't is a nagging suspicion that something was wrong (He ends up finding out the bullet that killed her didn't match the callibre he used) and in the Ultimate universe he shoots at captain america

"There’s a reason why G.I. Joe action figures and play sets were best-sellers in 1985, and it had a lot to do with the patriotic fervor sweeping through the United States by the middle of the Reagan administration. "

ok I've never heard of the prosperity gospel… do I even want to know?

In a world that has Titmouse and Gendy Tartavosky I think that might be a stretch

Go to any fighting game convention that has a section for smash brothers melee on the gamecube. Those fuckers love there CRT tvs because the game is unplayable at a tournament level on flat screens.

See also: Cunt.

I think it's a case of 'punisher is good enough that he's not going to fuck up' thing.

"You start firing a shotgun, people will panic and run around. What if they run into your line of sight at the very last moment?"
He's good enough with guns that that doesn't happen. I mean realistically no one is good enough with guns for that to not happen, but realistic human abilities aren't really a concernt for