
wasn't that actually the plot to jupiter ascending?


I just had to look it up on memory alpha and make sure I wasn't full of shit. Turns out I got the order wrong, Eugenics war came first, and ended in the 90's with the defeat of Kahn, WW3 was after in the mid 2020's and started by people 'purging the impure' cause they were scared of Kahn style supermen rising up and

never really thought about it in the context of what we knew about space at the time. That's a damm good point.

Dude you guys still have trouble accepting that black people aren't actually satan.

what freaks me out more then just… what he said, is that got two upvotes…

"I do not respond well to insults or threats." I don't know, seems like he reacted in the exact way that the threat makers wanted him to?

A lot of the records were destroyed and society almost completely collapsed, the utopian society they have is a complete reaction to how low humanity got during the eugenics wars. Like humanity hit actual rock bottom and was like 'ok we're not doing that shit again' and decided utopian ideals was a better idea.

Yeah they had a third world war that was then followed by a eugenics war.

It's demonstrably bullshit, drone pilots get fucked in the head really bad from their job. They might not be there getting shot at, but they observe the people their killing for like days before hand and get to see them as actual people doing normal people things before they kill them.

man that's one problem I had with the original show, they went to the 'actually super powerful energy beings' answer a lot… like a LOT.

man thinking about these old episodes is just making me angrier and angrier about new trek completely side lining bones. He's such a fucking integral part of the original series and Urban is great as him, but man they completely fucked over hwo they use him

"After more than three decades, Voltron is returning to television, thanks to savior of pop-culture detritus Netflix"

hell really, take the mask off and he looks like he's wearing motor cross gear or something,

Carry Ewlles from Men in tights/Princess Bride era as Green Arrow. I will never not be angry that never happend.

" and I don’t buy that Foggy is able to accomplish this unseen" Throw a blanket over him, walk back with him limping like a drunken hobo. Problem solved.

I thought they got everything? Why was a new hope different?

sorry my bad, Ah, cheers BROTHER

I'd say Snyder has 2 solid to good movies there. (Dawn of the dead, 300) Also his bad movies aren't close to as bad as Bay's bad movies.

Wait technology that would enable one being to defeat dozens of others is a fantasy? I'm pretty sure my car could lets me outfight a dozen dudes.