
There was buzz? I remember everyone saying it looked shit from the first trailer.

Download movie, burn it onto a disc, snap the disc.

ah, cheers brother.

honestly I think if that is the case, it would be in Disneys best interest to buy the starwars de-specialized edition those guys did and release that officially.

'throw up in your mouth' 'masturbate' they're both good options.

It just seems insane to me that Disney wouldnt have re-released the non special editions as blu-rays before episode 7 came out. I mean if there was ever a time that would capitilise on that hype it was then.

I'm begining to seriously think like good quality prints of the original films no longer exist.

oh shit I forgot Kotaku was part of this, FUCK YES BRING THE FUCKERS DOWN!

*Banner Thief restarts institutional slavery*

Wait is that where Kayfabe actually comes from? It was someones name?

oh shit that's way better.

Check out Wrestling isn't Wrestling, was another shot he did about wrestling in the same vein of Death and Return of Superman, it's great.

4 is only bad compared to 1 and 3, and lets face it everything sucks compared to Die Hard 1 and 3. Those movies (esspecially 1) are essentially flawless.

I was discussing the quality of the die hard movies and was saying that I actually prefered the ridiculouslness of 4 to the kind of boringness of 2, and thought that 2 was clearly the worst part of the franchise. And someone else pointed out 'yeah but what about 5' and I sat there for like a full minute while it

As long as Charliez Thereon is still chewing scenery like a mother fucker I'm in.

oh man, that makes Die Hard 5 even more depressing. Jesus, Andy Whitfields death still fucking hurts man

Oh man have one russo brother/ wachowski sister make part 1, the other brother/sister make part 2, and then have all 4 on part 3.

holy shit I had to google who he was in Spartacus, I'd never put bland mc blandslab from die hard 5 together with blonde curly haired awesome dude from spartacus. I fucking loved him in Spartacus.

had just listend to a Sandra the sex nerd podcast with her on actually.

The only show I've actually binge watched on it was Bojack, other than that I watch an episode a night and yeah I've never had an issue with getting burnt out, more getting excited to see what happens in the next episode.