
He hasn't used it since he wore a tiara and an open blouse.

I'd argue they need to be better.

I think an asian american guy is kind of a mistake. Like for a good 95% of super hero roles race doesn't matter, but Iron Fist is one where it does, first he has the whole 'a white dude becomes the best at this asian kung fu cult' shit wich is a huge source of tension for the charecter, then the entire relationship

Wait wasn't John Lithgow after Rita, cause that was the best the show ever was.

yeah it seems super weird to complain 'this show about spies fighitng super natural bad guys stopped being a dumb romantic commedy and is now back to being spies fighting super natural bad guys'

well in the one look in we've seen on Joey, he has pretty good controll of his power now, I'd wager he's also been doing combat training as well.

Bullshit, Turn turn turn was season 1.

I think you blessedly missed an awful time on the internet if you think Mary Sue isn't a valid complaint.

god what has that show done since I stopped watching that people want Laurel again…. fuuuuuuuck.

even better he sacrafices himself trying to save the main crew, from something that wasn't actually a threat to them at all, and then diying in Skye's arms he's all like 'see I told you I loved you' and she just drops him like 'eugh… what a dick…"

I'm hoping that htey have something big planned for the inhumans attacking hydra. Hype as fuck to see that.

or agent carter. Really shield is the only place outside of the moveis that have inhuman looking charecters.

We knew simmons had a type, big muscly topless black dudes.

I figured the Simmons torture was probbably done like that more out of a regard for 'we're not alowed to show this shit on tv'

yeah Director Mac was my faviourte thing in the episode.

I never said this was ruining the original or anything, just that this isn't what I wanted from a remake of the original, this is more like a reimagining or a reboot.

Yeah I feel like a lot of people only know who cloud is from osmosis and the general depiction of him in other media, not who he was in the actual game. He was a fun charecter in Ff7, he's a bland broody nothing in everything else.

even just looking at the charecter designs, cloud is wearing black instead of blue, barret is like a normal dude instead of a cartoonish mr T parody. Like go back and look at the actual FF 7 charecter designs, Barrets feet are the same size as his torso. The game was cartoony as fuck. This is… advent children.

I doubt it, they've allready dropped clouds outfit from blue to grey. It's not a great sign

I can't speak from experience but there was a cracked article where they talked to 'the 18 yearold kid pulling the trigger' and they seem to take it anything but lightly.