
So it turns out Dark Souls is really good. I've actually played up to the capra demon like three times, but this is the first time i've gotten past that and holy shit this game is great.

I feel like this is addapting what FF7 became, the dull gritty broody emo bullshit of advent children rather then remaking what FF7 actually was, a game that could alternate between dark brooding plots and Mr T breeding giant multicoloured chickens with a super intelligent red lion.

oh really? That's rad, our possums are actually an entirely different kind of animal though. I think techincally the ones you guys have are opossums?
Ours look like this and are like the size of a small cat.

Yeah we can, all guns have to be registered to their owner via the serial number, and you have to prove that you have an actual valid use for the gun. Self defence doesn't count as a valid use, but like, if you're a farmer or you do target shooting or something like that you can get a gun, and I think (don't hold me

Sorry I should have clarrified, I'm talking about like handguns and shit owned by people in cities. I grew up on farms in outback Australia I know there are completely valid reasons for owning guns.
Being scared of the people that live around you is not one of them though.

We have possums? Their like… the odd one out in Australia though cause our possums are fucking adorable and harmless compared to you're weird… angry giant hissing rat thing?

But… we don't have squirrels?

I think what he's doing is more then pointing out how useless prayers and thoughts are. He's not just mocking the people saying they're thoughts are with the victims, he's pointing out the people who are specifically in a position to change things saying it that are also accepting money from the NRA.

Car deaths are accidental, gun deaths are intentional. (for the most part anyway)
My argument is coloured by the fact that I'm australian, and we had a mass shooting then banned automatic weapons, instituted a gun buyback scheme and have had no mass shootings since. (Going on 20 years next year) compare that to the US

His stuff has made news in Australia, so he's done more for awareness then thoughts and prayers did.

See yeah that's like… common sense. Watching this shit play out as a foreigner is fucking baffling. Like I had a quick look and it was something like 300+ mass shootings in the US last year? That's… that's like not something I can even comprehend happening where I live, let alone that happening and the over whelming

See that's what weirds me out, that's what guns were in Australia, a tool for hunting and farming, then the port arthur massacre happened, so we banend automatic weapons and it didn't happen again.
You guys had collumbine and it made parts of your country like… more invested in owning guns? And turned the idea of

Changing the stigma surounding mental health issues and making better care available is a good thing I don't disagree.

'Knowing how to use one properly and having it stored safely is likely to keep you alive longer than having one (and shooting yourself because you lack experience and respect) or not having one (home invasion / murder).'

For real? I think I've mentally replaced every bland hero in 90's movies with Kevin Costner in my head.

I think if this was a one time thing then yeah more people would be foccusing on the crazy kill em all people. But at this point I think a lot of us are numb to the various spree shooters and their reasons, there just 'another mass murder' (Which holy shit that is depressing to say) their motives at this point really

It was only like 90 minutes?

At the end of the day, isn't New Testament just Old Testament fan fiction?