
I would edge out Bloodsport BECAUSE it has those flash backs. Their fantastic in how awful they are.

Wow what the fuck, I ddin't even know it got a sequel let alone 4 more.

I keep getting Lionheart mixed up with Dragon Heart and then trying to remember who JCVD played, then coming to the sad realisation that oh my god Dragon Heart with JCVD would have been a fucking incredible movie. I don't even care who he replaced, Sean Connory. Kevin Costner, Bratty little prince kid, the hot

In the blood was perfect for what it was, I went into it expecting a shitty jason stratham movie with Carano instead, and I got exactly that.

yes, humans are social creatures, it's how we have evolved to live and is the natural course for our species.

By the same token, medical sedative should be administered by a licenced anesthesiologist because giving the wrong amount will either not knock them out properly leaving them concious but drowsy or too much will just straight up kill them. But the sedatives are working by tv rules of 'random amount works exactly how

If she's good enough to cancel out the hate for crowe we'll take her as our own.

Aussies aren't Kiwi's man, that's the new zealanders.
Beers generally go down state lines in Aus. QLD drinks XXXX, Victoria drinks VB, I think NSW is Tooheys? I'm not sure on that cause fuck those dirty roaches. I'll start paying attention when they stop sucking at state of origin.

Actually yeah that works, she hears about one specific thing that can take out Killgrave and like laser focus on that instead of considering alternatives cause she's still so out for revenge.

I don't think Jessica's still affected by the mind control so much as is still affected by the fact that she was mind controlled… if that makes any sense. Like she doesn't still have the compulsion to do what he says, but the fact that she has done that messed her up. Kind of like if you're in a car crash and you

I'd say about as quick as it would be to inject him with a sedative. I mean she has super strength.

Oh man you should check out his reviews for Agents of SHIELD. There was one where he was bitching that they constantly kill off black people once a season in the show. When as of season 3 so far they've killed off a total of 1 out of the 4 major black dude recurring characters.

I'm guessing you haven't watched Shield in a while? That show burning through plots at a crazy rate lately.

No Australian with a shred of self respect would drink Fosters.

No you can totally escape his contorl, they say it in the first episode that you just need time and distance and his control wears off.

Yeah I'm in the staged it to convince the dude he had jumped camp. Like she lied to him that Trish was dead.

They said (or implied) in the first episode that he needs to be near you when she was telling blond runner chick that she needs to get distance from him.

oh…. well yeah that makes sense.

Oh shit I didn't know about the Strange stuff. Man that's lame Strange is the best because he's just so hialriously fuck you powerful. I kind of hope that it's more of a 'everyone keeps explaining it away as quantam shit' and then at the end Strange is just like 'lol magic fuck you'

The one thing that bugged the shit out of me all episode is she got the drugs to inject into killgrave, if she's close enough to inject him she's close enough to stab him and she seems to be out for blood. Why go to all that effort to get the drugs and fucking over your friend when you could just stab him, or at least