
It's not that it was his fault, it's that he whent around claiming responsibility for it and telling Phill Harmtans friends that he was going to put 'the hartman hex' on them so they'd die next.

I've spent a while trying to express how mind numbingly stupid that is in words, but fuck it I'm just gonna post this scene from Billy Madison instead.

As someone that has been a horny teenage dude that wasn't getting sex. Yeah no joining a terrorist cult was never really my crossed my mind as a solution. Getting laid did, killing people in the name of some god, not so much.

So the earth is constantly getting bigger? What?

I'm not confused that people enjoy it, it's fine enough. I'm confused that it became the phenomenon it did with such a huge adult fan base.
I mean when you look at it compared to like the other huge cartoons out recently, Adventure Time, Regular Show, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Star vs the Forces of Evil, Over

yeah but the heroes were lions, so they were killing and eating people all the same. Mufasa does that big 'circle of life' speech but it feels like it should have an astericks on it that says 'except if you're a hyena, fuck those guys' at the end.

I absolutely adored Lion King as a kid and would have devoured this when I was little, but growing up makes it really hard to get over the fact that the only thing the Hyenas wanted was to be able to eat, and that made them the villians of the movie.

I fucking don't get this show. My wife wanted to try it otu so we started watching it on Netflix the other day and it's just… the most generic arse kids show. I am seriously baffled by it's popularity. I mean I watch and enjoy a lot of kids shows, but there is just, really nothing appealing about MLP that isn't just

There was one of the sequels to Lilo and Stitch was actually like a legit good movie and a worthy follow up to the first. I think it's Stich has a glitch?

Yep, showing faces means you have to create new charecters. That means going from designs, to modeling, to texturing and all that shit, it also means you need to spend money on animating them and cast voice actors to be like "AWW SHIT WE GON DIE!"

Theres a dude named Fisto..We should be thankful they're atleast using foreign slang…

Honestly I didn't really have a problem with this episode untill she reactivated him and I was just like "WAIT WHAT?! Did she turn him on just so he can experience death!?" What the actual fuck?

oh god, the shit I keep hearing about arrow I can't decide weather I'm super glad I stopped watching it or if I really want to watch it again.

Oh yeah they did awful with that shit, I can't even remember if Jackie Chan had a line in the first film or if it was just all like fight noises and shit. Lucy Liu at least continued her role in the TV show and did a fair bit in that.

The one where he grabs a shard of glass a broken window and starts murdering dudes with it? That was fucking brutal as hell.

The thing that makes me think it has to be planned is that Brett Dalton is so good at being a smarmy evil dick. Either they absolutely lucked the fuck out by casting a dude who they intended to be handsom hero man but was super wooden but turned out to be great at playing an evil dick hole. Or he was cast because he

If every May fight was like that one we'd be watching a different show. Going back and looking at Wards fight scenes I'm not sure if it's cause he was set up to be a villian or something, but his fights tended to be a lot less clean. Like look at the fight scene he has in the first episode where he glasses a dude with

from memory it was pretty consistently through the run, that was 2 years ago now though so I might be miss-remembering it though.

I don't know what that word means so I'll take you on good faith with that.

Wait what? This is Me and My Shadow. The movie has been in development for fucking ages. It stars Josh Gad with Bill Hader playing his sentient shadow, and is going to be a combination of 3D animation (for the charecters and shit) and 2D animation (for the shadows)