
We've all been there, women right?

To be fair you met her when she emerged from a stoney cacoon able to shoot razor sharp metal eyelashes.

We've never had a full CGI lash, we got like half a second of Andrew mid transformation into Lash in the corner store and that's it, the rest has all been prosthetics.

wait oh god have they actually done boxing glove arrows in arrow now?

Except it was in a scene where they were being all computer hackery with one of the charecters basicaly cosplaying the dude from Mr Robot

I appreciate the effort, the fitz updates are sorely missed.

If death was confined to a planet then wouldn't there be no death outside of that planet?

Though that's what a lot of people thought of ward at first too.

Oh god yes, Coulson playing the long game just being an arsehole is amazing.

Go back and read the shit that Brett Dalton was saying on twitter before the reveal, it was pretty clear they knew what was about to happen.

There are articles?

Am I the only one that has always felt Wards fight scenes have been better then Mays? They always felt like they have more impact.

Yeah but man… it's Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime is the best. I'd be more worried about someone that doesn't want to be his best friend.

The end of the movie is that aliens come to abduct the little boy and girl and put them into the garden of eden as they become Adam and Eve and the world ends.

I think the fact that they included the Room should have given you your first hint that that sentence is not exactly meant to be taken seriously.

Are you telling me you wouldn't want to be best friends with Optimus Prime? What are you dead inside?

I'd put the Wachowskies in that group. They make insane often just plain bad shit, but when they hit they hit SO fucking hard.

The Persian Empire, The Ottoman Empire, The Crusades etc.
Basically the Abrahamic religions were just way better at murdering the fuck out of the people that believed in the other things.

I have enjoyed everything Proyas did including i robot and Garage Days. but no man, Knowing was where I drew the line at 'yep he's making absolute shit now' cause that movie was absolute fucking garbage. And then it got to the end wich retroactively made the rest of the allready bad movie worse. Cause holy SHIT that

I would have actually loved a sequel to Clash of the Titans that wasn't done by fucking Jonathan Libersman. Cause that dude sucks.