
No man you have no idea how dumb Knowing was, whatever you're imagining I assure you it ended up way dumber.

Is my wife able to go through it? She knows everything so I don't have anything to hide from her, if it's my family though…. uh… wow, can you just burn my computer?

Upload it all to paheal or something under a fake name, it's online for ever and you can delete any copies you have on your computer.

See I wouldn't want her to, from the end of Fury Road she's got a place in the world, she's taking over Imortan Joes place and looking after those people. She's like their new ruler. To get her as the new wander type person they either need to have imortan joes place get wiped out or she abandons em. They both seem

Yeah he's not amazing or anything but he's not really awful in anything (Or atleast the shit I've seen him in, I've avoided rom com Buter)
And as far as I know he's not in the 'list of people in holywood that are horrible racist violent sadists' right?

I really don't think she should be back as Furiosa, like have her back as an entirely unrelated new kick ass lady character sure. But Furiosas story is done,

The first was worth it entirely for Theron's evil queen, the rest was kind of blah but she was fucking amazing. So if she's back I'm back.

I enjoyed the first one for being mindless fluff, I'm in for a sequel.

Firstly, thanks I appreciate that, secondly fuck you that song was catchy and I'm going to be singing it all night.

I thought Garage Days was pretty good. I robot was…. not awful. The Knowing though…. wow…

huh, fair call actually. I take it back. Dude is super white looking compared to that shit.


That's always a thing with people whos work you love, you don't want to be shitting on like Proyas or GRRM but man you just want them to live forever puttnig out amazing shit.

I care as much about spelling his name right as he does about making good films.

My first thought was that 'hell yes it's jsut Clash of the Titans done by a dude that can actually direct coherently'
Seriously Jonathan Libersman doesn't get enough disdain for the shitty movies he puts out.

So it's Clash of the Titans but without the taint of Jonathan mother fucking Libersman replaced by a dude that can actually direct? I'm in.

And I remember seeing posts on tumblr slamming him for being too white to play an Egyptian dude.

Proyas is an incredible director, he just doesn't always choose the best projects.

It's funny cause they spell all their english words wrong anyway.

Wait how do you pronounce sthe? Is it like two distinct sounds or do they just run together?