
Wait there were bond authors other then Flemmings? Like if it was the dude that created Bond then his oppinion might have some weight, but… he didn't so who gives a shit?

not acceptable, I guess expected is the word I'd use? Being old doesn't make it right, just unsurprising.

Oh man, the climax is going to be her love interest pretty boy challenges the alien leader to a drag race in their hotted up 1950's cars in a local storm drain.

wait what?
Either that's a dumb drum tech or a LOT of money.

Fuck you, don't turn Animorphs into a platform for your shitty spam, Animorphs is more important than that SarahBrandall IF THAT IS YOUR REAL NAME!

Is it the same basic story as Red Dragon?

You say that like an Animorphs franchise wouldn't be the greatest fucking shit ever.

I like that song and never knew it was her, well there's something new I've learnt.

I think I want to know more but I'm not sure I do…

Ska8r boi is the best song that makes me cringe to type the name of.

I am laughing way too hard at that.

We're getting goosebumps but not animorphs, there is not justice in this world.

So… we lose right? Cause that seems like a hilariously one sided fight so far.And this is just there first go at wiping us out, I don't imagine that a couple of dudes with guns is really gonna turn the tide of this back.

If you have those attitudes into when you turn like 20 or so then chances are you're not gonna change you're outlook on life.

I love the AB positive blood descrimination shit.

My faviourte oppinion on this entire thing is
"62 yearold grandpa is actually racist!"

I think the big difference though is that, Hogan was a teen in like the mid 60's, Like I'm guessing you hit your teens in an era when racial slurs and shit weren't cool in public, not a couple of years after black people were considered 'people'

They're not just 'not promoting him right now' they've taken him off of every officially licenced thing they can find, to t he point they've taken him out of the wrestling games he's in and are banning create a charecters made to look like him.

Maybe not racist, but it took me a while to get fag, and retard out of my vocabulary once I began to realize how insanely offensive that shit is.

And then there's always Chris Benoit